A friend of mine, who a few of you have met at the Jams, entertains at nursing homes. He does two or three a week normally, for maybe $100. to $125. each. That's his only income other than social security.
Of course he can't work now. His tax guy told him to apply for unemployment. He has 1099s for the NH jobs.
He applied for unemployment and was accepted. He got his first deposit today. He gets $600. a week from the Feds and $98. from the state. He said that he was told it would last through December!
I promise you that's way more than he was making doing the NHs. The rule is that regardless of the income you are losing, everybody that qualifies gets $600. a week. Even though he was self employed he still gets it.
I thought this might be of interest to a few people here. Can't hurt to check it out.