Donny, with all due respect, as the KING of impulse buying, if a purchasing decision makes sense to YOU, I'm going to avoid it like the plague (regardless of WHO's delivering it). Hey, at least I don't buy keyboards as a substitute for something else.
Chas I expected a typical hoarder denial reply used to it
I have many musician friends that hoard for no reason,...
hey that is their thing used to be mine but
I did the 12 step and was weened off that scenario.
I still see it bothers you... but those comments roll off my shoulder like Teflon.
I'll stop here as it's too early for
angryness on the day of my new KORG arrival...
not talking your bait buddy.
Enjoy all you acquired and sit down and play today
you will certainly feel better.
Now back to my Cappuccino.....