Are these coming straight from the SD7 line out ?
John, yes,, but they went into a mixer first. I have ALL my toys spread out in the living room, testing, swapping, and experimenting with different gazzintas and gazzouttas, so the signal path was:
SD7 line outs to - Behringer QX-1204 USB mixer - into line in on the Tascam. The coolest feature on the Tascam is that you can record a second stereo track at a lower volume, in case there is an issue with the first track. I can see that coming in handy from time to time. I'm also using the mixer as an audio interface to connect to my laptop for streaming. I was SO happy with just pointing my phone at the subject .... then all this experimenting happened! Geeze - can't catch a break. I WANT SINPLE AGAIN! lol