Gee Fran, you know I like you so I was hoping that if you WERE going to limit yourself to ONE statement, it would be something thoughtful rather than just trotting out a piece of this tired old right-wing bullshit. Yes, we did try to elect someone other than what has turned out to be the worst, most amoral, incompetent, divisive, corrupt, narcissistic, blowhards on the planet...and the 'will of the people' (3,000,000+ plurality) might have been served save for the help of Putin and the Russian government and of course, the millions of 'good people' who had no problem voting for a racist, p---y-grabbing, reality show star. Of course, if he hadn't won, we'd be deprived of the 'talents' of Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller, Bill Barr, and the like, who have made a mockery of competent government and undermined or destroyed the credibility of some of our most trusted institutions such as the Justice Dept. (including the FBI). And let's not forget about flooding the judiciary with literally hundreds of ultra-right-wing, lifetime-appointed judges who will implement pro-life (anti-abortion) at all costs but then don't give a sh-- about these people once they're born.
So Fran, I still like you as a person and as a fellow SZ member, and I certainly respect your right to (express) your own polital opinion, but if trotting out the old 'let's all hate Hillary' line is all you got, I have to say, I'm disappointed, I thought you were better than that; but hey, like I said, I still like you brother, I just can't align myself with your political choices...but then again, that's why we live in America. Let's hope America continues to afford us that freedom. And can we just stop the "Benghazi", "Emails", "lock her up" bullshit; not only is it getting really old and tired but we all know it's just fodder for the 'great unwashed' at Trump rallies. We know who should REALLY be locked up, should anyone pursue some of those dozens of sexual assault charges lodged against Captain Bonespurs, our 'brave', 'courageous', wartime leader.
Other than that, he's very entertaining
