Sunday, I woke up with unbearable chest/stomach pain. Didn't want to worry anyone, so I drove myself to the hospital.
Just got back to the office a few minutes ago.
What I had was virus cause inflammation of the heart sac and an associated accumulation of fluid caused by the infection. Pain came from the inflamed, fluid filled sac pressing against the stomach, lungs, etc. Breathing in took me to my knees.
Treatment takes about 3 month, and includes a complicated regimen of pills; all taken by mouth. Was on no liquids or food for about 36 hours (then they asked me to pee in a cup...WITH WHAT?), with continuous IV injections and blood draws. I look like a pin cushion.
Had to have two Corona Virus tests, which were both negative.
Tony Mads and Don sent me very nice notes via email and passed on well wishes from others we all know.
Came directly to the office to put out some fires (yea, I know...TAKE IT EASY!). Pretty weak and have a way to go for complete recovery, but will make it.
Be well, all. Ya just never know....
Edited by captain Russ (07/22/20 01:33 PM)