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#501446 - 11/12/20 05:42 PM Re: New President Elect [Re: captain Russ]
tassiespirit Offline

Registered: 01/25/08
Posts: 554
Loc: Devonport, Tasmania, Australia
Originally Posted By captain Russ
Nigel, we knew about the outgoing one 35-40 years before he decided to run.

That, above all, is what totally exasperated me.

Let's all wish Biden and Harris all the best. And if we are not involved, we have no business criticizing.

Be well, all.


we knew about the IN-coming one 47 years before he decided to run again.

That, above all, is what totally exasperated me...........again

Joe Biden’s political Career by year:
1973 Biden enters politics
1977 Biden fights to keep schools segregated because “allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle”
1983 Biden taxes SS
1988 Ran for president but had to end it after getting busted for plagiarism
1990 C’mon man, almost there
1993 Biden taxes SS again
1994 Biden writes the stop and frisk law which is what African Americans blame for systemic racism today
1997 Almost, not yet because y’know the thing
2008 Calls Obama the first articulate and clean mainstream African American
2020 and now he’s ready to “FIX” the Country.

This all proves that no one is perfect but that America will give people a fair go, even if they have stuffed up before. Maybe making the best of an average situation, using what the political parties give you. It is not the peoples fault what they are given, but maybe it's the parties that need to pull up their socks and do better.


Edited by tassiespirit (11/12/20 05:46 PM)
The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.

#501447 - 11/12/20 06:56 PM Re: New President Elect [Re: tassiespirit]
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6483
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Now I want to see your Trump’s political and Business Career by year:
I think you will be able to add a lot more than one line per year.

#501448 - 11/12/20 10:07 PM Re: New President Elect [Re: Nigel]
tassiespirit Offline

Registered: 01/25/08
Posts: 554
Loc: Devonport, Tasmania, Australia
Originally Posted By Nigel
Now I want to see your Trump’s political and Business Career by year:
I think you will be able to add a lot more than one line per year.

Hey Nigel, Not sure even I can do that in 5 minutes lol, but I will give it a go at Pres D. J. Trumps Pros and Cons ( to be totally fair and honest both ways) I never said he was perfect nor a true made to measure political god - far from it). This is to show he has a bad side and a good side to this ego driven business orientated man, but he will never be a political statesman, even to his supporters.

1.Trumps approval rating has not changed much over his term in office starting at 45.5% and ending at 44.6% - even with his tweets!!
2.He’s appointed 53 judges on the 13 US circuit courts. To put this into perspective, former President Barack Obama appointed 55 circuit judges in his two terms in the White House. The courts get the final say in US politics, setting precedents that can shape the country for years to come; because of the sheer number of conservative federal judges he’s installed.
3.In signing a $US738 billion defence spending bill just a few days before Christmas, Trump officially established the sixth branch of the US Armed Forces – the Space Force.
The Space Force is the first new military service since the US Air Force was created in 1947.
Despite its name, the new branch has not been established to protect the planet from extraterrestrial threats, but is tasked with protecting the US military’s assets in space.
4. Three years into his presidency, Trump’s signature legislative achievement remains a Republican tax bill that made sweeping changes to the tax code – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
5. It permanently slashed the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% while also providing temporary benefits for individuals and their families. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, among others, said the law would juice the nation’s gross domestic product to 3% (or more, as Trump said 6%) and soon pay for itself and spread prosperity.
6. Trump signed the First Step Act into law in December 2018, marking the first legislative victory in years for advocates seeking to reform the criminal justice system.
The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress. It offers relatively modest changes to the federal prison system, but was praised as an important step forward by groups and activists seeking to end mass incarceration.
7. The terrorist group’s territorial holdings were the basis for its so-called caliphate, and provided it will a major base of operations to conduct attacks across the world. After a five-year effort led by the US, ISIS’s caliphate was finally defeated in March 2019. In late October, a US raid led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
8. Trump’s decision to unilaterally withdraw the US from the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018. This has been taken both ways as a positive and a negative.
9. Of former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law; Trump has had success in dismantling parts of the law. His tax bill included a rollback of the tax penalty for those who did not enroll in healthcare, and the Trump administration has had some success in the courts regarding the individual mandate. See#6 in Cons.

10.Pardons - Trump has issued 28 pardons as of August 28, 2020:

1.His disapproval rating however gone from 41.3% to 52.3%
2.His handling of the 237,000 deaths due to the “ China Virus” will go down in history as HIS fault and no one elses, not Dr Anthony Fauci or anyone else who advised him.
3.Trump has at times falsely claimed that ISIS is totally defeated, embellishing the extent of the US military’s success against the terrorist organisation during his presidency. Though the terrorist group has lost its territory – its so-called caliphate – it’s still estimated to have up to 18,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria.
4.Trump’s response to a deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, remains one of the most controversial moments in his presidency.
It was emblematic of Trump’s struggle to bring the country together after tragedies, and more generally. His response also typified his controversial record on race relations and white supremacy.
Trump blamed “many sides” for the violence at the rally, which resulted in the death of a counterprotester, Heather Heyer. He later said there were “very fine people on both sides.”
5. In the wake of the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police and the nationwide protests that followed, Trump also failed to rise to the occasion.
6. The president said he would introduce a “phenomenal healthcare plan,” during an interview with ABC News in June. But has not done in his first three years is offer a replacement for the Affordable Care Act.
7. Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives on December 18, 2019. The president was acquitted in a Senate trial, but will still go down as just the third president in US history to be impeached. GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah also made history by voting to convict Trump, marking the first time ever that a senator voted to convict a president from his or her own party.

** I could also put in that he is pro life and is against the 3,000,000 babies being aborted per year in the US alone. But he didn't put in the law to condone it nor change the law. It has been left up to the states to do that, and some (NY) have extended it to post 24 weeks. This is a contentious subject for many even today, and I am not puting it on on side or the other. Just noting it as the rate of abortions is higher than that of the Covid Virus ever will be in even 10 years.

The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.

#501452 - 11/13/20 04:18 AM Re: New President Elect [Re: tassiespirit]
Crossover Offline

Registered: 11/19/17
Posts: 596
The pros and cons you present are of course very subjective. Some of the pros can also be regarded as cons (as you state in some cases), and you could pick many further aspects not mentioned in the list.
To me, Con #4 weighs so heavy it destroys all of the pros.
Even if the Bible says „You shall be jugded by your actions, not by your words“ or similar, for a President the words are actions, given his strong influence as a role model.
Trump has shown that he does not clearly stand behind the equal value of every human irrespective of ethnicity, gender and other innate characteristics. Lately, he has also shown more clearly how valuable he holds the democratic system. This is so fundamental that I wouldn‘t know any US President who has ever been such a threat to fundamental values and ethics.

#501454 - 11/13/20 09:22 AM Re: New President Elect [Re: tassiespirit]
Crossover Offline

Registered: 11/19/17
Posts: 596
It‘s incredible, apparently Trump does not even shy away from trying to make electorates vote differently than the popular vote. Even Fox News reports this. This man is a danger to democracy.

EDIT: Oh, forget about Fox News - too far „left“ now. Newsmax seems to be the latest rage...

Edited by Crossover (11/13/20 03:39 PM)

#501456 - 11/13/20 11:48 AM Re: New President Elect [Re: Crossover]
captain Russ Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7303
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Allen, I'd like to see a list of the good things (pro's) about Biden.

My list of the awful personal characteristics and past business debacles of Trump, as detailed by Gary Trudeau in Doonesbury cartoon strips over 30 years is a lot longer than what would fit on one screen here.

My list of Pro's for Biden reflect many indications of compassion and decency; characteristics I cannot find in anything about Trump and his past.

Looks like I'm disagreeing. Not so. I appreciate your incite/opinions.

That's what I appreciate about "The Bar".

Russ (Burp) Lay

#501459 - 11/13/20 05:10 PM Re: New President Elect [Re: captain Russ]
tassiespirit Offline

Registered: 01/25/08
Posts: 554
Loc: Devonport, Tasmania, Australia
Originally Posted By captain Russ
Allen, I'd like to see a list of the good things (pro's) about Biden.

My list of the awful personal characteristics and past business debacles of Trump, as detailed by Gary Trudeau in Doonesbury cartoon strips over 30 years is a lot longer than what would fit on one screen here.

My list of Pro's for Biden reflect many indications of compassion and decency; characteristics I cannot find in anything about Trump and his past.

Looks like I'm disagreeing. Not so. I appreciate your incite/opinions.

That's what I appreciate about "The Bar".

Russ (Burp) Lay

Honestly Russ, you are able to put up enough pros for your hero, and more than I know; anyway here are some ....

1. Joe’s father struggled to find a steady job after a series of business setbacks, so there was a lack of money ( or he didn’t come with a pocket full of money). I think his father got a job as a use car saleman.
2. He stuttered as a child a confidence kick in the guts. Got picked on ( who hasn't been?).
3. When he first met Neilia’s mother, (future mother –in- law), she asked what he wanted to do for a living. Biden informed her he intended to become president of the United States.
4. In 1972, at 29, he defeated incumbent Republican Senator Cale Boggs, becoming the fifth-youngest person ever elected to the U.S. Senate.
5. In November, Biden, now 77, would be the oldest president ever inaugurated.
6. In 1974, he told a reporter that “when it comes to issues like abortion ... I’m about as liberal as your grandmother. I don’t like the [Roe v. Wade] decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.” In 1981, he voted for a constitutional amendment that would let states overturn Roe v. Wade. He has since reversed his position....... Not so good in my book ( opinion).
7. In the 1970s, Biden opposed court-ordered school busing as a method of desegregating public schools. He has said that he favored other methods of desegregation, such as in housing, and that he supported voluntary busing.
8. As the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1984, he led efforts to block then-Alabama U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions from a federal judgeship over racism allegations. Sessions denied the accusations.
9. In February 1988, after complaining about headaches for several weeks, Biden underwent surgery for a brain aneurysm. Three months later, he had surgery for a second brain aneurysm.

I do believe in showing both sides of the story, but there are parts that never come to light ( both good and bad). Anyway, all eyes are on USA for many reasons. We who live in OZ look up to you guys for lots of achievments but are wondering what is going on with the imploding of "the state of the Union". Especially over the last 4 plus years. All we have heard is the cry for blood from the Democractic party and nothing of value being put up or past for the people. If Trump term is over then they should just ignore him, as that would do the most damage to his ego, in my opinion.


Edited by tassiespirit (11/13/20 05:11 PM)
The problem is not the problem...The problem is your attitude to the problem.

#501460 - 11/13/20 07:49 PM Re: New President Elect [Re: tassiespirit]
Nigel Offline

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6483
Loc: Ventura CA USA
Originally Posted By tassiespirit
In February 1988, after complaining about headaches for several weeks, Biden underwent surgery for a brain aneurysm. Three months later, he had surgery for a second brain aneurysm.

So what? I have had a ruptured brain aneurysm and I am still fully functioning. And it doesn't sound like his even ruptured.

#501461 - 11/14/20 01:26 AM Re: New President Elect [Re: Crossover]
abacus Offline
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Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5375
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Originally Posted By Crossover
Originally Posted By abacus
Not the worst excuse I’ve heard.


Who has to excuse for what?
Your comparison is so absurd. Has the EU acted as if the UK population didn‘t opt for Brexit? Has it played UK government? Where‘s the parallel between Brexit and the way Trump is acting now?
BTW, it‘s funny you blame the EU for the UK maneuvering itself into multiple dilemmas by wanting to leave the EU while intending to leave the border to EU member Ireland open. It‘s not the EU‘s problem. But again: no relation to the Trump topic.

I see you really do believe your EU Masters even though they have blatantly gone against the withdrawal agreement (Cooperation for a smooth transition) at every stage.

The Northern/Southern Ireland border was sorted years ago, (To make sure it did not disrupt the Good Friday Agreement) however due to the pig headedness of the EU (Who still want complete control over our laws, money and fish etc.) it is they who are the problem. (Jan 1st the UK & Northern Ireland become sovereign) as they just cannot grasp what sovereign means. (There were even rumours that they were going to put a border between the UK and Northern Ireland in contravention of the Good Friday agreement)

Have a look round Europe and you will find plenty of anti EU political party’s growing in size and support, and while not up to the UK level yet the EU had better watch out as otherwise the UK will not be the last one leaving.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).

#501467 - 11/14/20 02:34 AM Re: New President Elect [Re: tassiespirit]
Crossover Offline

Registered: 11/19/17
Posts: 596
Yes, in Germany it is the AFD, the far right party, who want to leave the EU. Is this the type of Germans you like best?
How was the Ireland border issue „sorted“ years ago? Please explain, otherwise I sort it as fake news. How can a border remain open and at the same time prevent uncontrolled exchange of goods? It‘s very complicated and not the EU‘s fault.

I don‘t believe „EU masters“ (and I don‘t accept and defend everything the EU does and says, the EURO remains a problem, economic realities were not sufficiently taken into account when it was introduced).
I get my information from various news sources. Such as this about the complex Irish border issue. It just doesn‘t appear to have been sorted out years ago, as you say.

Regarding your ever returning expression „EU masters“, I think there are problems in the architecture of the EU, but you should also consider that everything is based on contracts signed by democratic countries. (Unfortunately, Poland and Hungary show more and more undemocratic tendencies, which must not be tolerated within the EU.)

Edited by Crossover (11/14/20 03:04 AM)

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