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#51050 - 11/04/05 11:41 AM kn6000 & lap-top ...
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Are any of the kn6000 players using a lap-top to play midi files and/or wma files through the kn6 ??? If so, what kind of lap-top, and how do you do it?
t. cool

#51051 - 11/04/05 04:24 PM Re: kn6000 & lap-top ...
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Tony, I have a Kn70000 and a IBM Think Pad, it is about five years old. I use only the programs needed to run midi, word and a few more things in the laptop. I do not use midi between the laptop and the keybopard.
The audio from the laptop goes into an EQ, then to the imput of the keybpard. Sometimes I use an EQ and a BBE to get a more realistic sound.

My laptop plays midis,displays lyrics with a word program and displays music notation with an Encore program.
I play wave files and midies form my laptop, Technics Sequences and audio files from the Kn7000. And sometimes I get mixed-up. Ha
I use the VanBasco midi program (Free download) it's great.

John C.

PS, I don't think it makes any difference using a KN6000.

[This message has been edited by bruno123 (edited 11-04-2005).]

#51052 - 11/06/05 12:51 PM Re: kn6000 & lap-top ...
manorcourt1991 Offline

Registered: 07/17/02
Posts: 235
Loc: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hi Tony,

As the KN6500 has no USB capability, you need separate Audio and MIDI cables.
The audio is straight forward enough, a cable to go from the two 1/4" line out sockets on the KN to the 3.5 mm stereo line in socket on the laptop, and a similar cable to go from the 3.5 mm headphone socket on the laptop to the two 1/4" line in sockets on the KN.
When I had my KN6000 I used a serial to MIDI cable to go from the Serial (RS232) connector on the Laptop to the MIDI to the MIDI In and Out connectors on the KN. The Laptop I used initially was an IBM 380XD Thinkpad and later an Acer Travelmate 526iTX. Most laptops not more than a few years old should work fine. The serial to MIDI interface cable together with suitable drivers came from Technote.
With modern laptops a USB to MIDI interface is an alternative way to transfer MIDI data between the KN and the laptop as recent model laptops may not have a Serial (RS232) interface port.
When playing MIDI files from your computer without the MIDI cables your KN will just act as an amplifier for your computer sound card, whereas the use of the MIDI cables and a suitable MIDI program on your computer will allow you to use the KN's own sounds. I used Power Tracks Pro for MIDI playback and if you are interested I probably still have a copy of the patch file for the KN6000.
WMA files only require the Audio connections.

Len C

[This message has been edited by manorcourt1991 (edited 11-06-2005).]

[This message has been edited by manorcourt1991 (edited 11-06-2005).]

#51053 - 11/06/05 04:15 PM Re: kn6000 & lap-top ...
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
#1 Working with Midi files and Kn keyboards is a bit unfriedly.
#2 When you connect a laptop to the Kn6000 using midi wires, IN, OUT and THRU, you are subject to having somwe changes happen in your keyboard that you may not want. It is the same when you load a midi file in your keyboard, unwanted changes.
I can handle the changes but not on a job. The first time I use my sub outs on my keyboard it sounded great, when I loaded the next midi file it cancled the changes I had made in my keyboard -- the dancers look up at me and I had no idea what had happened. yes, I know you can protect the keyboard from unwanted changes, but I live to keep things as simple as possible.
Sooooooo, my call is to play the midi files from the laptop. There are many ways to improve the sound of the laptop so that the sound is par with the KN.
#2 Once you make changes in the midi file (sequence) and then save it in the Kn the file can not be used in any other keyboard without making changes--lot's-of-work.
#3 Using the laptop to play audio through my laptop allows me to control the volume from my KN7000---and----I can use my laptop setup with any keyboard. If you ever change keyboards you will have a major problem with the midi files you have chnaged and saved in the Kn.
#4 The lyrics are 2 to 3 times larger.
#5 I can play CD's from the laptop through my KN.
#6 Important--I have a midi program in my laptop --- create, changes, whatever -- then save it.
#7 Nightmare -- My keyboards falls, I've got my laptop.
Having all that if I wanted to create a great midi file, I would load it into my KN7, edit it, change it to a Technics midi file, Add a control track, rhythm track and a chord track--then spend a good amount of time and have the best file going. My opinion!

Tony, if the Kn6000 can take a file created on a KN6500 I would send you one of my friends worked over midi files.

Hope I helped, John C.

#51054 - 11/06/05 05:35 PM Re: kn6000 & lap-top ...
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
.. thnx all ... I've not yet gotten the lap top, but this info will help ...
Bruno ... "#2 Once you make changes in the midi file (sequence) and then save it in the Kn the file can not be used in any other keyboard without making changes--lot's-of-work." ... even if saved in SMF format?
t. cool

#51055 - 11/06/05 05:36 PM Re: kn6000 & lap-top ...
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Bruno ... the kn6000 will play kn6500 files ...
t. cool


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