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#51093 - 11/04/03 12:24 PM Let's discuss feelings and this forum
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
We have talked about different keyboards, styles, stands--ect.

How about how it feels relating to someone on the other side of the world----

Or, how you made some special friends here, using this forum.
It sounds heart warming for those who are interested, and who are able to share their feelings.

John C.

#51094 - 11/04/03 12:47 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
larry gosmeyer Offline

Registered: 01/23/02
Posts: 394
Loc: La Verne, CA USA
I get a sepcial warm feeling when I hear from someone in a different part of the world saying that they like some of my songs.

I also feel happy and fortunate to be able to get some songs that come from around the world to play on my own keyboard.

Beebop and Nigel deserve a special round of applause for providing us all with this pleasure and priviledge.

3 cheers for them.

Larry G

#51095 - 11/04/03 01:17 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
CoasterTim Offline

Registered: 06/10/00
Posts: 624
Loc: Allentown, PA, USA
Even though I don't have a lot to contribute to this forum, it is my daily routine to check in and read posts several time a day. I feel like I belong to a unique family which I've never seen, never talked to, yet know better than some folks that I have seen and talked to for years...does that make sense? I especially feel blessed to have 'met' some of you via email, knowing we have a special bond as brothers.
Tim Schaeffer

YAMAHA CVP-509 / Korg Pa300

#51096 - 11/04/03 04:42 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
paulinekn6500 Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 02/02/03
Posts: 16
Loc: Cathedral City CA USA
I have the same feelings that you have all expressed and more.
I would never have enjoyed so much my instrument as I do, thanks to all of you who are always ready to help and give advice whenever required. I feel privileged to be part of the forum family.
Bebop and Nigel, they are sweehearts.....
Merci a vous tous.

#51097 - 11/04/03 04:48 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
paulinekn6500 Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 02/02/03
Posts: 16
Loc: Cathedral City CA USA
Oops, Larry,
I wanted to add to the previous message, that I always enjoy your music and look forward to your next songs.
Merci. Pauline

#51098 - 11/04/03 09:58 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
Ted Rose Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
What a charming idea, Bruno! I think that many Forum members may already know exactly how I feel about them all and their wonderful contributions to my musical and personal growth. However, perhaps it is good to tell you all again how grateful I am to have made so many friends all around the world, and merely because I was fortunate enough to have been introduced to and bought a Technics keyboard and, subsequently, found this great group. "Thank you" always seems so inadequate an expression when I have received so much from so many of you; yet, a most sincere "thank you" is what I offer in return, and maybe that will suffice. To my very special friends here, it is truly a blessing to have you all as my extended family, and I look forward to many more years of joyful sharing together. Thank you all!!!!


#51099 - 11/05/03 03:48 AM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
My step-daughter started a relationship with a man in a E-mail/talk type of group. My wife and I were concerned, we had hoped that nothing serious would come from this relationship.

She flew from New York to South Carolina to meet this new friend, we were very troubled. I did not understand. What kind of a relationship could this be, she has not seen him, he could be anything, they're only writing to each other, without being face to face, how could this be a positive move????

Six months latter they got married. I had strong doubts, forming a relationship using a computer????? This new son-in-law has proven to be one of the nicest men I know. He is kind and loving to our daughter. It's now five years later and they have a home in Texas that's a joy to visit.

It was not until I shared on this forum, that I understood how a good relationship could be formed through words, how feelings could be real, and how caring came as easy as if the person were sitting along side of me.

The Ted's, the Larry's, the Bebop's, and so many more have brought something special to my life. THIS IS A GOOD PLACE, and a big thanks for the people who are making all this possible!!!!

Life is good, John C.

#51100 - 11/05/03 06:29 AM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
Uncle Dave Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
It's not much different than TV.
There's crap (lots) and then there's quality programs. This place is a quality PLUS site.
No longer monitoring this forum. Please visit for contact info

#51101 - 11/05/03 07:18 AM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
shcox Offline

Registered: 09/10/03
Posts: 296
Loc: Leesburg, FL USA
Hi All,

I agree with you all as well. I had the KN6K for about 18 months and I did not enjoy it as much as I do my PR54. Not because it's any better but because I never got involved in the forum.

It's really great to know that all around the world we all enjoy the same things, do the same things and feel the same things.

I guess we just don't think about that enough.

Thanks again
Heather- Leesburg, FL PR54

#51102 - 11/05/03 08:04 AM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
Walt Meyer Offline

Registered: 10/02/02
Posts: 437
Loc: Silver City, NM USA
To All The Friends that I have made through this forum, I say THANK YOU.
It has been and will continue to be a good part of my life. I check the forum at least three times a day to see what is going on, who is doing what, and what questions are being asked and answered.
And of course, the ability to listen to other performers music, their use of sounds, rhythms, and their style of playing.
And so -- Thanks Gang.

#51103 - 11/05/03 11:09 AM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
ogre Offline

Registered: 01/18/02
Posts: 242
Loc: UK
While I agree with all the sentiments expressed above, I have one gripe - and that is that the chat and listening to all your music keeps me away from playing my Kn7k and I really need all the practise time I can get. Nevertheless, thanks to you all for your music, advice and company.


#51104 - 11/05/03 01:27 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
Bud Whipple Offline

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 480
Loc: The Plantation, Leesburg, Flor...
I also feel my life has been greatly improved through contacts on this forum and those from the forum before. Just knowing new folks from around the world has opened new doors and sometimes long emails are exchanged between us. I find myself learning facts about people that I would never have come in contact with if not for this forum! It gives me a wonderful sense of well-being that only comes from knowing sincere friendly people who actually care about another person without trying to get their hands in your wallet. I constantly brag about my world-wide contacts and friends, and this seems to find favor with many people. Maybe it's something more folks should try! I just know that someday I'll be walking around a Mall or go into a music store and hear music or a style of playing that will sound familiar and I will finally meet a fellow forum member face to face. What an occasion that will be!

#51105 - 11/05/03 01:42 PM Re: Let's discuss feelings and this forum
rikkisbears Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Originally posted by rikkisbears:
Hi John.
what a great topic.
It's amazing the wonderful helpful friends you can meet on forums.

Prior to purchasing my kn7, I belonged to a psr group. They were incredibly helpful with advice etc and a truly amazing bunch of people. In many ways, they were the main reason I held onto my psr for as long as I did. I enjoyed their company.

Along came the kn7. I found this forum. Great new bunch of friends. Fortunately, I'm also thoroughly happy with the kn7.

This forum is the first thing I check when I get up in the morning ( after sending hubby off to work at 5.30 am)
I grab the following
A cup of coffee( to try & wake me up)

My 15 year old Maltese Terrier who goes straight back to sleep in a bed under the computer table
and lastly the newest addition to the family our new baby cockateil ( parrot) who thinks he's human & owns the place. He makes typing emails a tad difficult at times. In between trying to stop him from running round on the desk chewing up paperwork , and stopping him from chewing at the computer cables, every now and again he decides to do a trampoline jump off my shoulder straight onto the computer keyboard, which means another email lost & I have to start again. Worse still is when he decides to jump down onto the poor old sleeping dog. It's great that the dog has an incredibly wonderful nature. ( haa haa).

All 3 of us enjoy our computer time in the morning while I'm chatting to my overseas friends, before getting on with the rest of the day.

best wishes
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022

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