you've still got the kn7 ( with it's audio functions) to look forward to down the track ( 2nd hand), or maybe you could get yourself one of the bargain basement priced KN26's
( I'm going to check my dealer and see if he's discounting, poor fellow's probably in shock, even though he's also a Yamaha dealer, he's a loyal Technic's fan & player).
Hopefully it will keep us together as a group. There's lots of loyal Technics owners out there, many of whom still own earlier models like the kn3 & 5 and are still more than happy with them. Our Kn6 & 7's have got a good few years left in them yet.
Let's stop chasing Technology Train, and fully learn to use what we've got.
For those who feel the need to explore new horizons, there are amazing computer programs out there, that can be used in conjunction with our kn keyboards.
Programs like Band in a Box. Good source for style creation , but it's far more than that.
It's a good source for creating midi backing tracks ie type in chord progression for a song, pick a style, convert to midifile, load it into the kn. The backing style plays , while you play the melody using R1&2 & left hand parts. Ever wanted to compose and wouldn't have clue where to start ( just like me), it helps you do that, too, with a function called the Melodyist. Simple as pressing a button, and it makes up chord progressions and composes a melody part. Every time you press the button , it composes something new, either for specific bars or a whole new song. Even comes up with a title for your song. Load it into your KN7, revoice using those great NX voices, the results can be truly amazing.
Ever wanted to make use of the psr styles without having to go to the expense of buying a second keyboard.
Yamaha used to have a great little sequencer called XG Works. It's biggest kept secret was that it actually had it's own inbuilt styles, but, what was not widely known was that the actual psr styles could also be used in the same manner as the inbuilt styles.ie pick a style. Pick the style parts intro, variations fills etc type in a chord progreesion for your song, expand it to midi tracks , save as midifile , load into kn7 and revoice. Some of the xg drums can be a bit of a hassle to edit, but where there's a will there's a way ( haahaa)
There is the option of an XG soft synth for
your computer, itgives a bit more of an idea of whatthe midifile should sound like.
There's Jos's One Man Band. Again his program makes use of psr styles, which are readily downloadle on the net.
There's lots of stuff out there we can use in conjunction with our kn's.
Best wishes
Originally posted by Mark And Michelle:
I was the one, in the original discussion, who said 'there's no smoke without fire'. To all Technics users, I can only apologise for having perhaps had a glimpse of the future.