Alec, Much as I hate to disagree with you, I have managed to successfully duplicate the sounds from the EW03/EW04 cards into Sound Memory and then use them from there. I tried this by copying a bank of 20 sounds from the EW04 card to Sound Memories,and then copying the Sound Memories out to Floppy disc. I recorded some scales onto PC, using the original EW voices for later comparison. I then removed the expansion cards, 'Performance Initialised' and loaded the Sound Memories back from floppy. Comparing the voices now in Sound Memories, with the originals recorded earlier, all the sounds were identical. I then recorded a short sequence in Easy Record,using the voices in Sound Memories and sent this to another KN7000 owner, who did not have the expansion cards. I asked him to play and check the sequence against a list of the voices used in the sequence. He reported that everything was OK. He then recorded a short sequence, using these voices from his Sound Memory, and emailed it back to me. With the expansion cards still removed from my KN, the sequence played OK. I then switched off and re-fitted the cards and compared the voices returned to me, (now in Sound Memories) against the originals from the expansion cards - no apparent difference.
I may have been lucky in my choice of voices - I just took a random sample of 20 voices and used them. However, I have most of the EW voices on disc so can do some more comparisons.
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)