Hey ed, I noticed that we do most of our communicateing via this BBS instead of email, So I figured why not start a thread to talk to each other about synths and such since you are the one who seems to replay to my posts the most anyway. This way if I have a question or you wanted to ask me something we can post here. Mainly since we are on here a lot.
That and the fact the my topic on the Juno 106 is up to three pages long and 106 replies. Though most are between both of us.
Anyway are you planning on buying a complete .com system or are you going to buy a piece at a time? You will of course let me know when you get it. I am very interested in what they are like. I have read good things about these systems and that people really enjoy them. This is still one thing I am considering at some point. I even thought about buying the contorller keyboard and getting a copy of Arturia's Moog V.
Originally I was going to get a QSS22 in a QSS44 cabinet, so I could add aditional modules as my needs grow. But as I had some time to think about it, I figured that I should get a QSS44 cabinet and just fill it with modules of my choice (like signal processors, lots of multiples, filter bank modules, preset modules, rectifires, instrument inputs etc.). There are rumours that Roger is planning to come up with the pitch bend module - it's about time. Sucks doing nice lead parts without the pitch bend.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
Hey ed, remember how I said I was going to buy a .com system, and got you interested in one. And that I was going to use the refunds from my Taxes? Well I did my taxes today and found out that I do not have enough money to spend on buying a complete .com system. With the money I will be getting back from the IRS and my Maryland State tax will only total $961.00. That would cover the cost of atleat the cabinet and a couple of modules and maybe the controller keyboard. Although I have not completely given up the idea of a .com. I am going to hold off until I have more money to put towards stating to piece one together.
On the other hand I still have not given up the prospects of buying a Minimoog synthesizer. Well most likely a Voyager. The one thing I have noticed especially on ebay, That not too many Minis are being sold. Orginal and Voyagers. Especialy the ones going for over $1,000.00. The ones that are being sold are starting out with a low price and then bid on like crazy. And not just the mini, a lot of the other moog synths as well. Even the Moogerfoogers don't seem to be getting too many bids. Oh well!
I still have not done too much with the juno or the omni aside from stacking them on top of each other.
BTW: If you get a chance got to my thread on About Warning becareful where you go on the net. I got an odd reply from a junior memeber say that my wanring was of no value. And that I should be more informed about what and where I go. Balmeing me as if it was my own stupid fault.
I thought you checked out the Voyager, but didn't like it. I wonder why so many people are trying to sell their Voyagers on e-bay...Even Songbird get them in pretty often. Too many used Voyagers out there... Definitely not a good sign. TO think of it they haven't been around for that long.
BTW I checked out the thread that you've mentioned. Junior's just trying to help. But I don't think it's his business to tell you if your thread is useful or not, or whatever he wrote there.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
Hmm! That can't be good. Actually I really hadn't tried one out. I may have jumped to conclusions. Actually the main thing I don't like about the Voyager is it's too expensive. Rangeing in price form $2695 to $3000. Moog just released there Anaversiry Edition for $3000.00. Which I think is outrageous. I'm not crtizieing Dr. Moog I think he has done some fantastic stuff. But it's interesting to note that he is still building VC components in the digital age. Albeit VCO's that are more stable. I am even finding the moogerfooger peadles on ebay as well. The other reason is becuse there are a lot of synths and pedals on the market that are a lot cheaper then what Moog is makeing. Plus the major three companies have been in continous business since they started. Where as Moog Music had been out of business for almost two decades. I think the best way for Moog to compete in todays market is too make a more affordable instrument. The same way Dave Smith and Roger Linn do with there instruments. The Evolver and Adrenalinn 1 and 2. Both are under $1,000.00. The Evolver at $475.00 and the Adrenalinn II at $499.00. Eevn though they are modules, not keyboard synths.
Maybe if Moog had test marketed the Voyager and asked people what they wanted, we would probably see fewer of them for sale on ebay. Who knows maybe someday they will gain in popularity like the orginal mini. Granted the new mini can save patches and has MIDI and that touch plate, but not some of the sam charateristics as the orginal. Maybe Moog should have devloped a totaly new synth, instead of trying to re-make the Minimoog. But that's just my opinion. If I were Dr. Moog I would have designed a slightly more affordable synth, but that's just me. Maybe something along the lines like Korg's New Legacy Colletion. Virtual effects plug-ins with MS-20 Controller. Where they Brought the MS-20 back as a keyboard controller for use with the virtual synths. Which contain software versions of the MS-20, Polysix and Wavestation. Which even features native suport for the microKontrol. For a complete music system. This sort of thing I could have seen done with the Minimoog. Where the Mini was made into a controller and had virtual versions of the orginal minimoog and one or two other Moog synths. I would like too see how well the Korg Legacy colletion does on the open market.
Yea, he did help But my therad was not just about what happend to me. I just wanted to get a conversation about the internet in general going. I probably could have phrased my topic better.
Hey Paul! Soft Wavestation? That sounds cool. DO you know if it has all of the features of the original? I hope they added resonance to the filters this time.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
Yes ed, Everything is the same on the new soft wavesation as founf on the orginal. Although it has been improved with a better user interface and sound quality. http://www.korg.com
Hey Paul! I checked it out. Seems pretty cool. THe only thing that I find a bit hard to get used to is the fact that all the soft synths and emulations of old hardware synths sound better quelity wise, but lack the character of the originel. Just shows that quality is far from being all that important.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
How much-ish? TIP: Bid in the last 3 minutes. Works like a charm... unless of coarse some wise guy outbids you in the last 30 seconds.. ...Heppened to me a few times. Well, good luck and hope we'll be discussing your 303 when/if you get it.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
I think I am going to get away from keyboards and instead go for the groovebox. Beacuse the the fact the the groovebox has no keyboard and seems to aloow me to create music with out too much thought. In my pesronal oppion I feel that the keyboard is just to restictive for me and is not alowing me to play more freely. That and the fact I keep forceing myself to play that way.
I am still going to want a minimoog, there is no questuion of that. That's always going to be with me. But as far as playing music, I think I would be better off with the groovebox instead. Or an Electribe, or on of those AKAI MPC systems. I should have tried alteritive contorllers instead of a keyboard.
Yes. Yesterday I was finally able to get in touch with Great West Music, who notified Technics B.C. about my problem and earlier on today I've got a call from Technics and was able to order that key.
Thanks for help though. I was under the impression that Technics were going out of business THenk god I was wrong.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
Paul, Groovebox it is. Keep the JUNO though. Something tells me you'll keep going back to playing keyboards.
I also like to use different types of midi controllers. I use a Yamaha WX5 as well as my guitars to control my synths. Some things just weren't ment to be played on the keyboard.
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde
Well I keep getting out bid on those MC-303's there still very popular. Espically when trying to fin one under $100.00.
Actually ed I am not going to give up the juno, instead I am going to use it as a MIDI contoller. I found a Paia Fatman on Ebay for $75.00 and I thought I would use it with the juno. I am trying to find some other stuff like the fatman.
Oh I did find a Yamaha Groovebox the looked rather cool as well.
BTW: Would a Guitar pedal or gutiar synth work with my juno. And If so how the heck do i hook them up?
Paul! RE: WOuld a guitar synth work with your JUNO.
Of coarse. But you'll still need a guitar, special pick-ups, a guitar synth or a Pitch to MIDI controller box. And of coarse you'll need to know how to play guitar. I often use my GR33 to control synths like Ensoniq ESQ-M (rackmount ESQ-1), Yamaha TX816 and many more. I find that certain musical ideas that I come up with often hit me when I play guitar. Even though I'm a good keyboard player, I find that sitting down and trying to play the same idea on the keyboard can slow things down quite a bit. Especially if I have to use my brains to convert a bunch of typical guitar parts to a keyboard... .
_________________________ A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally. - - - Oscar Wilde