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#53716 - 11/04/04 03:08 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi there
I have been working on my SD cards in SDExplorer and Microsoft Explorer, this last few days and have been very pleased with the simplicity of using the various functions.

I knew I had a particular Style on a backup SD file and I wanted to copy the style to another SD card in my USB Reader/Writer and work with it. I did not want to restore the whole BACKUP file to an actual SD card.


I RESTORED my complete BACKUP file to a folder on the PC, (this is very quick even for a large card). I then copied the required file(s) I wanted across to my current SD card in my F drive.

This whole exercise took me literally minutes.

What a good idea I thought and then I also thought I could leave the Folder that I had RESTOREd on my desktop and copy the file back when I alter it and copy from it again.

Wait a minute - I could RESTORE all my SD cards to folders on my PC and I can then move backward and forwards across to a working SD as and when I want.

I also tried the Merge feature today - With an SD card already live at the screen you can select MERGE, choose your BACKUP and merge it to the one on the screen. Taking that one step further you can then merge another backup into this larger file (Always assuming that you have enough room on the SD card).

Much more simpler than in Song Manager.

The flexibility of the SDExplorer tool is great! The days of working on one SD card at a time are gone! We can actually also see what is happening whilst it is happening.


[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 11-04-2004).]

#53717 - 11/04/04 05:03 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER

Forum Friends,

We must remember that this software is in Beta form. I am sure that Fred will introduce enhancements as we show support for his efforts.

We should also remember that support for the 2600/7000 is dwindling with the demise of Technics Keyboards (and Organs).

Registered users at $50 is a small price to pay for continued developement of such a great 2600/7000 tool.

We (and Fred) need the support of everyone that owns a 2600/7000 to make this software a do everything by registering. Who among us would spend hours developing a software product without being rewarded in some small way.

Fran in Florida

Fran in Florida

#53718 - 11/08/04 04:10 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi there – As a result of posting some of my songs to the KESO site and Cees not being able to read them, it came to light that this was because I had sent him files that had been renamed using SDExplorer.

When you see files on a floppy disk the first two characters are numbered 01-20 depending on which file they are on the disk. If you copy these files into SDExplorer you can then use the free format names of up to 16 characters.

e.g. 01BALLAD could be renamed to Unforgettable (or similar)

Whilst this file remains on the SD Card then it can be moved from card to card etc., BUT if you copy it to a floppy disk and take the floppy disk to the KN7 you will not be able to see the title OR to load it, unless you have renamed it with something like the excellent Technics Copy Tool.

It also follows also that although Microsoft Explorer allows varying numbers of "lines/items/documents in a folder and numerous folders on your PC you still need to follow the rules of the SD format in that 20 styles etc. to a folder and 99 folders to an SD card.

If anyone knows of any other tips that have come to light, please share them with us and so we can use this software for the benefit of us all.

Fred and Gert-Jan will be pleased for you to do so.


[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 11-08-2004).]

#53719 - 11/12/04 01:15 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
fmlk4u Offline

Registered: 08/23/03
Posts: 190
Loc: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
The problems described here shows again that the statement in one of the testimonials is correct: KN-SDExplorer is a must-have tool for all KN7000 and KN2600 users (unfortunately Win98/ME not yet supported)
Downloading songs from the KESO site and putting them on an SD is super fast and easy:
1. make a folder on your hard disk and name it to e.g. name of the player.
2. on KESO site: double-click on a song and select open. Then extract all files to the created folder. Do the same with all songs of this player, to a maximum of 20 songs.
3. Open KN-SDExplorer for an SD-Card that still has room for the folder(s).
4. With your mouse drag the folder from your hard disk to the folder pane in KN-SDExplorer.
Voila... all 20 songs at once on your SD Card.

Old way was : extract the songs to floppy disk, load them into the keyboard, one by one (slow) and saved them to SD Card,( even slower), with optionally renaming.

But now backwards: if you as KN7000player have created a song "My Favorite Song" and saved it on SD, then these songs can easily be exported to harddisk via KN-SDExplorer and zipped to send to Cees for upload...

THIS WOULD ONLY WORK VERY NICELY IF ALL KN-PLAYERS AND OTHERS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MUSIC EXCHANGE WOULD HAVE KN-SDEXPLORER!. Then everybody could use 16-characters song titles instead of the old DOS-type song title consisting of 2-digit number and 6 characters (in our example: "01MY_FAV" or something. No naming conversion necessary.
Wouldn't that be an ideal world

Kind Regards, Fred
Kind Regards, Fred

#53720 - 11/12/04 01:53 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
cees Offline

Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Originally posted by fmlk4u:
But now backwards: if you as KN7000player have created a song "My Favorite Song" and saved it on SD, then these songs can easily be exported to harddisk via KN-SDExplorer and zipped to send to Cees for upload...

THIS WOULD ONLY WORK VERY NICELY IF ALL KN-PLAYERS AND OTHERS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MUSIC EXCHANGE WOULD HAVE KN-SDEXPLORER!. Then everybody could use 16-characters song titles instead of the old DOS-type song title consisting of 2-digit number and 6 characters (in our example: "01MY_FAV" or something. No naming conversion necessary.
Wouldn't that be an ideal world

Hi Fred,
I sincerely respect the efforts you has made to offer the KN7-owners your great SDExplorer. Great job!! As you called my name I give a short reaction.
The basicview of the songexchange on KESO is to keep the technique as close to the keyboard itself to ensure the largest comptability to share the songs worldwide. And that needs to use the technics-format, include the 2 startdigits. Besides, in another post you pointed that some OS, like Windows97, Me or maybe Windows95, doesnot work (momentarely) with your programm. I don't want to withdraw those people the beautiful songs on KESO.
So I love your enthusiasme, but (yet) a bridge too far, I guess
Of course, for individual players, your program is a blessing to the laborious managing of the files on everyones SDcards. Maybe those SD-cards are so full, thanks to the about 600!! KESOSongs
Best greetings,
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit

#53721 - 11/19/04 03:18 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
fmlk4u Offline

Registered: 08/23/03
Posts: 190
Loc: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Originally posted by Fran Carango:
I stand corrected..

Hi from Fred

some sad news:
1. My partner, Gert Jan, is ill; he has the flue. Moreover MS doesn't support its old Win98 and ME operating systems in any ways. The documentation is bad, missing or inconsistent. We seek ideas for solution of Win98 compatibility problems on developer forums, but nobody answers. Unfortunately also nobody replies on the Newsletter with SD-Explorer advertising that my friend Kenneth has sent out.
Compared with the results of market research our 'installed base of customers' is disappointingly low. Last week I sent out the upgrade, version 1.10 to our customers. Below are the release notes, which answers to your remarks and problems you reported. I hope for everybody that this version won't have to be the final version. However even if it isn't, I expected that development progress will be reduced. Since the release I have been working for the tool: testing, handling emails, creating FAQ and tutorial pages, etc. almost every evening until after midnight. (Joan knows)
This all resulted into too much stress. So I will take it easier now.
And to be honest I am seriously thinking about raising the price of the tool in 2005 to some extent. So people have time to purchase the tool for the modest fee until after Christmas.

Kind Regards, Fred

Release notes

SDExplorer 1.0.1, build 51: (Oct 25 2004)

- Fixes for empty song and folder names
- Added support for read only SD Cards

SDExplorer 1.0.2, build 52: (Oct 27 2004)

- No longer opens empty window for non-existing path
- More accurate remaining time calculation in Backup progress
- Removed TryAgain/Continue Dialog when opening Read Only SD Card

SDExplorer 1.1.0, build 54: (Nov 9 2004)

- Alphabetical index of songs on the keyboard now works correctly
- Progress window shown while verifying files
- More informative error for verify failure.
- Win98 finally supported
- Fixed problem with restoring window from minimised state


[This message has been edited by fmlk4u (edited 11-19-2004).]
Kind Regards, Fred

#53722 - 11/20/04 04:56 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER

Forum Friends,

From my previous post regarding the 7000 Explorer, you can see I had several problems. I have continued to use the tool and I think I have solved all of my problems. It is not the 7 Explorer, it is my computer.

My computer would not accept the PNY 2.0 reader as not needing additional drivers. After many, many attempts it finaly found the drivers and it works like it should. Put an SD in the reader and up comes...."What do you want to do"........."KN 7000 Explorer is listed" on it and there is the SD displayed in 7 Explorer. My initial problem was my computer (Compaq XP).

If I leave the reader attached to my computer and boot, it will not find the files. If I dis-connect it and re-connect, it works proper. Why?

I worked on 45 floppies converted from other instruments today. I added them to SD. I had no trouble copy/paste until floppy 39. At that point I could copy from A drive, and paste on 7 Explore. Paste was non existent (grayed out). Trying to solve my problem, I started with the A drive(Floppy). Uninstalled and reinstalled the driver. The paste appeared in 7 Explore and I could continue.

I am far, far from a computer expert, but I think a great deal of the problems we are experiencing from using KN 7000 Explore come from our computers and other software/hardware we have installed.

Hint: When you open a new SD there are no folders shown, and you have to add folders. I format on the 2600/7000 and name folder 99. When you open you have 99 folders to fill and only have to name.

Hopefully posts on the forum will make it easier for non computer guru like me.

See some of you at the East Coast Jam where we can exchange views.

Fran in Florida

#53723 - 11/21/04 01:57 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
Joan Offline

Registered: 01/30/03
Posts: 550
Loc: Hampshire U.K.
Hi Fran - Read your interesting post above.

I see you say that you had a problem copying in one instance. Were you using the Edit/Copy/Paste feature? I have had this happen on odd occasions when I have used the File/Copy/Paste and as you say the PASTE feature is grayed out.

I have never been able to establish under what circumstances it happens as more often than not it works OK. For instance I did think that this happened only when working directly on the SD card in the USB drive and I think but cannot say conclusively that it does NOT happen whilst working with SDExplorer on a folder in Microsoft on your desktop.

I just use the CTRL C and CTRL V method OR dragging the Mouse method. This works OK.

If I am doing major revisions as you have obviously just done with your 45 floppies then I would work with SDExplorer in a folder in Microsoft as the moving etc., is very very much quicker than working directly on your SD. You did not say if this is the method that you have just used.

I would also select the Backup feature to backup from time to time whilst you are doing a major amalgamation. Can I hear you saying "I did that"

What I find is really good is that you can MERGE a previously backuped version to the folder you are working on which contains data already. This can be done in Microsoft OR to the SD card in the reader. This way you could not only quickly amalagamate previously backuped files but you can actually SEE it happening on the screen.

Like you I am full of enthusiasm for this software - it has made what I use to consider a nightmare of a job trying to sort out different SD cards into the order I wanted them into a much simpler task that makes the same sense as working on files in Microsoft.

As you say - anyone got any tips - then post them on the forum.

We have read quite a few negative posts about this software and I am sure that some would-be purchasers are reluctant to take a chance.

The minor "blips" that were in the first release have now been corrected and no longer present problems. If you can find your way around a PC and folders etc., then I have no hesitation in saying go ahead, give it a go


[This message has been edited by Joan (edited 11-21-2004).]

#53724 - 11/21/04 03:27 PM Re: KN SD EXPLORER

Joan and Fellow 7000 Explorer owners,

Those of you that had purchased Alec Pagida's great 6500 and 7000 extended instruction manuals can appreciate how it made the operation of these instruments much easier.

If we all share our experience with Fred's 7000 Explorer Tool in this thread we can print and compile the posts and try to duplicate what Alec accomplished.

Joan and I have used different routes to achieve, possibly the same results. I will follow her lead and I am sure I will learn something.

In a small way we may assist Fred in enhancing an allready great tool.

Fran in Florida

Ps.....With all of my posts about this tool it may sound like I am on Freds pay roll. Far from the truth. I love it because of the time it has saved me in managing my SD. Technics should have had this as part of their Song Manager.

#53725 - 11/22/04 05:36 AM Re: KN SD EXPLORER
Bernie9 Online   content
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I agree with you 100% on supporting Fred. From a selfish standpoint,it behooves us Technics owners to support Fred in getting to us a great tool. At this stage in the game, I don't see anyone else developing any new software for us.

From a personal standpoint,Fred has worked very hard and has spent a considerable sum of manhours and cash to get this far. He is at a point where he is cutting back as he is worried about return on his investment.

Everyone knows that software has bugs initially. Fred has shown me an attitude of trying very hard to rectify the Win98 and Paypal issues. I bought the tool and it works great. With more support and patience there is no telling what uprades are possible.

For those waiting for a "perfect" product,I say forget that as Fred will not be able to afford anything more,rather buy the tool,98 problem notwithstanding,and get behind him.

pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact

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