You can't have too many toys. Looks like a nice room - wish I had all that space. I have everything crammed into a 10 x 20 room, and half of it is furniture. (Desk, shelves, couch & love seat) Not much room for company, but I have recorded as many as 5 pieces at once with great success. (I'd rather just do electronics stuff, but acoustic recordings ARE possible.)
I never do "live" drums - they have to use my Roland digital set.... there is just NO room or separation for an acoustic kit. The Rolands record great alot of ways, they are better than a mic'd kit.
Now, I have 64 different drum setups at my fingertips, and I can record as late as I need to without disturbing anyone, or worrying about bleedthrough. (Except for that infernal TAPPING noice !!!!!!)
Can't use open mics at the same time without a sacrifice!
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