Hi Shirley,
it's fascinating to hear how members use the custom memory in such different ways. I use individual .cst's to build up my Custom Memory, others use the composer memories, just goes to show how versatile the KN7000 is. There must be a few of us ladies on this forum ,too.
best wishes
Originally posted by Shirley Warwick:
When reloading a group of .ast custom styles into the custom memory I find it rather time
consuming. So as I load up each group now, I go through each of the 20 or less styles, decide which of them I know I shall use often.
Go to Programmme menus, select composer, next select custom style copy,then from the custom style box to memory bank a/b/c box, copy the first three desired styles into my composer memory. Before saving to my SD Card,I copy the registrations for each style from the variations 1-4 into Panel Memory A/B/C, 1-4.....on to the next three.
I no longer have to wait to load an .ast file
Just select the named file from the SD card
and it loads in seconds.
Incidentally, this can work in reverse. Select your favourite styles from your SD Card, load then into the composer memories a/b/c. Using the same procedure but reverse direction of the custom style box and memory
bank box and place the styles into custom 1/2/3 and so on. This method you can mix styles from previous KN's with commercial
styles saved on the SD Card.
Just an alternative way of using custom styles. Hope I have made this quite clear and keeping my fingers crossed it isn't a
repeat of another posting(g)