#55915 - 05/02/03 12:39 AM
Re: Expression Pedal
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Kind of like when you get married. You have to find a different way to get what you want. Sort of crimps your style, so to speak. The longer you do things as a bachelor the more set in your ways you become. The more set in your ways you become the harder it is to break out of them. What happens? You quit? Divorce? OR..... You live with your old ways and make the best of it. (Tolerate it!) It works but never is it really great and will never be what it could be. OR....... You access what you have to work with, determine to use fully the positives of the new union and with a good deal of work and effort finally reward yourself with a new blissful and rewarding life. So it is with old organ players matching themselves up with a new high-tech keyboards. Come-on you guys, where is the thing I put my old number thirteen on to get this thing to come alive and give me some expression? I want my old swell pedal. For years it worked great and I thought it was swell. (Do I have to hold up a sign? Maybe just a giggle?) Anyway guys, set in your ways? Just like marriage, you got a new partner. She�s young and got a spirit of her own. Wild, and wants to go! She�s got everything in the right places and just looking for you to turn her on. Come on grandpa, touch me in the right places and we can make music together. I got touch control baby. I can get real, real sensitive if your set me up right. That�s right, play with me. Got something else! I like it and you will too. Don�t be afraid! Turn me on! Try my after touch, but watch out. You want to see some real expression? Play with it. Get me turned on and you will be too. See, when you get used to it, after touch is kind of like an after burner, gives things a real kick. Play with me my love and I�ll sing �Light my Fire�, like you never heard it before. Give me time and you will be so glad you traded in one number thirteen foot for ten very sensitive fingers. Use your feet to do what feet do. Carry you over to play with me. The fingers? Oh those sensitive fingers. Play me tender, play me hard. Play me soft and play me loud. I will respond and please the crowd.
FreeStyle, learn what�s inside, you wont regret it. Art, I like your Clinton stuff but former organ players can choose to be set in their ways and remain organ players, playing on an arranger keyboard, or with a little work, experimentation and a new mindset expand their horizons and become an orchestra with the ability to play and sound like every instrument in the band. Make your choice. We are free men living in a free country with the liberty to make free choices. I perceive an organ and an arranger keyboard as having the same ability and purpose: they make music for the enjoyment of people. Also a Buick and an Indy car. They both move people and are for the enjoyment of people. If an arranger keyboard is played like an organ in the area of expression, you will never achieve the full potential of expression built into the keyboard. So with the cars. If the Indy car is driven like the Buick the full expression of handling built into the Indy car will never be realized. Yet, people will still enjoy them.
These ideas have been tossed around many times on this forum. People being people will always differ in perception of values. Good? Bad? Don�t know but sure is good for verity. Look at it this way. What works for you, works for you.
Question: How do I tell if my playing is OK. People will say they like it because they do. People will say they like it because they are kind. People will say they like it because it sounds better than RAP. So what? I play because I like it. If others don�t like it they can go home. Just experiment. You just might like yourself more than you did before. Ruthie just tapped me on the shoulder and said let�s go to bed. Right now I like that the most so good night guys.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug