#56449 - 06/17/02 04:31 PM
Help! Help and Help!! Grandpa Doug needs Help!!!
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Old Grampa Doug has a Mac computer. Easy to use. Don't get viruses! The interface between man and machine is elegant. It has been running my landscape company for years without a hitch. Handles all my cad drawing and graphic work real smooth. All the accounting, payroll and such is slick. Real cool for all my music work from notation to publishing CD's. My KN and Mac love each other. But dog gone it, those cantankerous, darn old EXE files from that old DOS system of doing things is giving me fits.
Let me explain. A very nice person from Germany, I think, posted this information -
20 famous styles from the KN3000 are available for downloading now at Taiyo's Homepage. They are optimized for the KN6500. You can load them into KN6500, KN6000, PR903 (also PR1000), PR703 and PR603. After extracting the EXE-File read the "readme.pdf" for more details. Best regards, Crysyl
Just what I would like to have. I can open everything else but those crazy things. In the past I have had that problem under control. But the last few days have been a nightmare. I can thank my dear old departed dad for his fix for many of life's problems. The fix worked fine for many of the things I did not have or could not afford during the course of my life. His solution for the deficiencies one encounters down the path of life was really very simple. Son, he said to me when I was young, if there is anything you desire to have in life but cannot afford, or, if you encounter a situation your not smart enough to handle, make friends with somebody who has it or has more brains than you. Well, for years dad’s system worked slick as a whistle. But two days ago I ran into this snag I did not anticipate. I called up my old buddy George down the street. I said, old buddy I got another one of those blankety blank old EXE files again. I know, I know I owe you a few, well maybe a dozen or so blank disks but I’m going to the store in a couple of days and will take care of it. Meanwhile I’ll drop over in a few minutes, if you don’t mind, and we can download those EXE files. In fact George, I’m not pressed for time so if you got a couple of beers maybe we can sit a while and do a little hunting. Doug, you know I ain’t got no gun. Yeah George, what I was getting at was sitting and maybe shooting the bull. Doug, your so full of corn your getting flakey. Talk about corn? What was that last crack you made? Well Doug it don’t make any difference nohow. I got the Virus and got it bad. Gee George you don’t sound too bad, do you feel poorly, kind of achy or such. Na, its my computer. All tied up in knots. Give me a little time and I can get her up and percolating again. I think. The real problem is the old lady. Can’t shut her up. Come on George, Irma always seems very helpful and nice when I’m there. Doug, rub it in, rub it in, all day long rub it in. Every chance she gets, rub it in. Always the same line - See! See a month ago I told you to back it up. The least you could of done was update the Virus. All that money you wasted on that dumb Virus program and you don’t use it. George I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.
You see? I need a new friend. A new friend is what I need. In fact I need a couple of new friends. I need a new friend to EXE those crazy EXE files and Zip them to me. I also could use a friend with more brains than me to explain why they are such a hassle to me. I don’t guarantee I will understand but please be kind to me. If you tell me i’m just dumb it will depress me. I know you would not want an old man like me to be depressed. Just think! If an old man like me would croak being depressed, that would be very very depressing.
I can hear old dad whispering to me now. Why don’t you get a couple of extra good friends. That way you won’t get yourself into the same fix you find yourself now. A couple of extras won’t hurt a thing. Sort of like a good insurance policy. I can’t put my finger on it. Is that old dad talking to me or is that me starting to think like old dad? Not sure but let’s just blame it on the genes.
Well fellows, old friends, new friends, people smarter than me, owners of PC’s and fellow keyboard players, makers of beautiful music, receivers of great gifts from God, Doug needs HELP!!!
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug
#56451 - 06/17/02 08:52 PM
Re: Help! Help and Help!! Grandpa Doug needs Help!!!
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A man had a need and a friend did the deed! The response was so fast I can hardly get enough breath to say thanks. I posted my dilemma, read a few new postings on the forum, the phone rang and I answered it. The old gal on the phone said she called our landscape company because our ad in the phone book looked so nice. She also remarked that because we were in business 58 years we must be very knowledgeable. I told her that after 58 years in this type of business something is bound to accumulate so what is your problem? Can I help you with any of your questions. Well yes, she retorted, my neighbor on the others side of the fence doesn't do anything more to his lawn than I do but his lawn is always greener. Well, I said, I don’t have to refer you to one of our experts, I can handle this by myself. The answer is easy. You yourself must have heard the old saying - “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. After a slight pause she hung up. Being proud of my wisdom I proceeded to tidy up my desk for the day and get ready to take Ruthie out to dinner. However before I shut down the computer I thought maybe I better check out my e-mail before we go out. Lo and behold new mail, all the files zipped nice and neat. From Alec, a man of few words but right to the point. Quote - for grampa Doug regards, Alec
Bless you Alec and a big old thank you. I wish I could give you guys and gals something back for all your kindness to an old man. You all have touched my heart in one way or another. You all have kindled a new spark of life in me. The one and only way I have of expressing how I feel is in my music. I must also thank Bill for his 20-4-1 idea and for all the effort he exerted to bring this to fruition. Also without you guys and gals giving of your songs and talent the project would go nowhere. Maybe you can feel some of my joy and excitement in my next song for you. What an outlet for ones feelings. Can’t wait to hear the excitement in your new songs. Come on Alec let’s hear the romance in your soul through your music, maybe just one song? Maybe?
Time to go to bed. See you all tomorrow.
Grampa Doug
Grampa Doug
#56453 - 06/18/02 02:49 AM
Re: Help! Help and Help!! Grandpa Doug needs Help!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
The only problem with the internet is that Doug can't sort out my garden through the telephone wires  sure, zip of Christian's work on its way, Don. I'm not sure about this program you mention. Do you mean the disk copy program that Wim Kersten did, or the free ttx program from Keysoft for long filenames? as to songs, I've done some songs which can be downloaded from http://www.keynotepublications.com/ they are mp3s so that you do not need a 6500 with the soundcards to play them, and organ and piano people can listen too, but naturally the download is longer. The first 2 are in the download section, the third is under the menus on the left. The point of these was to demonstrate what was possible in the composer as a kind of adjunct to the book. They are straight easy records with no multitracking or pc tricks, just preparation in composer, sound, pad and panel memory so you could play them live exactly as they sound here. The point was to show that with only basic amateur musical ability the kn arrangers can give a result not too far removed from a good quality midi file. There are also some slideshows I put together as promos, but unfortunately in self extractor format  (groan!) but that problem can be solved The best one is Manhattan which was played brilliantly by Walt Tenay.
#56458 - 06/19/02 12:33 PM
Re: Help! Help and Help!! Grandpa Doug needs Help!!!
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
As you would say, no problem, so just take a picture of your garden, zip it to me and I’ll sort her out. Just let me know if you would like it sorted ascending or descending, from A to Z or from Z to A. No problem either way. Just give me the word and I’ll give it to you both ways. Yes Alec you can count on me for good advice as you can plainly see by the advice I gave that old girl that called me the other day about her neighbors’ grass being greener on the other side of the fence. I might have a few years behind me but I’m not over the hill yet even if Ruthie expresses a different opinion at times. Sometimes when she makes aspersions about my manhood not being as good as it used to be I remind her that I have some two toned underwear down in the basement that has to be taken care of. You know, brown on one side and yellow on the other. I reminded her she’s not getting it as white as she used to either. After a couple more of her nasty remarks I suggested she might try using just a little more bleach. She comes right back and said she tried that but then I complain about the little holes the bleach eats in the fabric. I just can’t win. I’m beginning to think women are like those rotten EXE files the PC’s send me. A constant aggravation!
Alec, you and Walt Tenay are better than I could have ever imagined. I wanted in the worst way to hear some of your music so I went to keynote’s site. Guess what stared me in the face? EXE files!! Oh no I thought and sunk down in my chair. What a bummer. But then I remembered you said that could be fixed also. What the heck I thought, let’s give it a try. Alec is fast, but not that fast, but maybe, just maybe. Viola! Couldn't believe it. There it was. Slick as you know what! Alec you play just as good as you dish out help. Great! I realize what you played was to demonstrate and make a point of what can be done with the Tecnics board and that you don’t have to be anybody special to be able to take advantage of all it’s wonderful features and fantastic sound samples. I know the KN makes me sound a thousand times better than I am. In fact I don’t even mind sitting back and listening to me even if Ruthie gives what she terms constructive criticism. But Alec how about one for the 20-4-1. To bring out what I know is deep within you. Your heart and your love for people. A mighty thanks to you.
As for Walt, what a player. Walt does with his fingers what you do with your brains. If he doesn't make a couple of contributions to the 20-4-1 I ain’t going to buy any more hard drives or books from him. Just kidding! Especially Manhattan. I’m taking some of the songs from each disk and making a few listening disks. I then put them on CD’s and play them in the car. Also I make some for my friends so they can also enjoy the sounds that are funneling into my ears.
I don’t think I’m quite as obstinate and bull headed as I used to be. In the past I have been kind to Mac, my old computer. I have tried not to burden it with Dos. Yesterday I called up the makers of Stuffet Delux, my Zipper and UnZipper program. I asked them about those crazy EXE files. You do everything I need to be done except those dumb EXE files, I cant open. Ain’t you guys smart enough to do that. Cool it grampa, cool it the guy said. The guys that make Virtual PC are are friends. If we fix EXE there would be no other reason for you to buy their product. You can read all their files as it is, except open EXE. Besides if you get a taste of Billie's stuff you’ll appreciate more what you got. I know how bull headed, tight and obstinate old people get but loosen up, spend a hundred and a half and get Virtual PC for your Mac. Just think you’ll have two computers in one. You can run system 9.2 and OSX Unix on the Mac plus Dos, Windows 98, Millennium, XP and any other clunky copy cat windows programs Billy comes up with. If they brag about their old EXE files and their windows tell them it cost you a little better than a C note to fix that but for all the money in the world they can’t do what you can. So there! See! - and stick your tongue out for good measure. If nothing else it will make you feel good. I guess your right, I said, it might not make my underwear any whiter but I might even appreciate Ruthie a little more I thought. Guess I’ll give it a try.
Hey Ruthie, where did you hide the checkbook again? What? I suppose your going to that old computer store again. Aint you got enough for that old machine? What are you going to hang on it this time? Come on Ruth, I said, it’s not just for the computer but it will help me to get more files for my keyboard. You know how you like my new board. It’s not the keyboard that needs help just your playing she responded. Ruth, you know I’m getting a little arthritis here and there. Give a guy a break! Here and there? Ha, I think it’s mostly lodged in you brain she said. Just tell me where the checkbook is and have something good for supper for a change when I get back.
Ruth, I said. Now what do you want, she quipped. How about sending me off with a little kiss. Remember the old days, how it used to be? Oh shut up, ---kiss---, see ya when ya get back.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug