You old boys (77years of age plus ) are a bit touchy about your ages this days !!! whats going on !!!!!
from the young boy of the forum
Giovanni (57 last friday 13th of May )
Keep breathing !!! keep making music !!! and keep writing to the forum !!!!
God bless you all !!!!
PS , last year I attended the Las Vegas Accordion Convention .
The star's of the show were the following
Art Van Damme 79 yr
Dick Contino 78 yr
Myron Florin 83 yr
Joe Vento 79 yr
They can just blow away the younger accordion DUDES !!!! and thats a fact !!!!
Why do i go there ?
Answer they make me feel much younger than I am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember the old accordion saying "Keep squeezing it's what the left arm is for "