Larry, I fully understand your situation since I've been there many times myself in the 40 years of our marriage. Sometimes the closest I could get to my keyboard was in passing from doing one chore to another. The precious moments finally spent in actual playing was truly sweet and blissful, but sort of hard to describe to someone who can play whenever they want. My "quiet time" was from 11pm to 1am then off to bed for a few hours before the daily routine started all over again. These times of strife caring for a sick spouse are truly labors of love and will certainly bring you blessings from above.
I also document every variation change, each different instrument plus blends, and all important information necessary to re-record the song if the need arises. My notebooks go back as far as my first keyboard (a Casio) and are useful for reference as well as my archive lists for different styles, since I only record a style once.
There's a learning curve involved with these complex keyboards, but we just keep evolving with knowledge gained through routine or experimenting, or the forum, and hope someday to gain the expertise of the other player on the forum we just listened to. You know, that guy named Larry Gosmeyer.
Keep the faith, my friend. Stay strong through the coming year, keep your soul mate happy and secure and remember that there really is a reason for everything that happens in our lives.
[This message has been edited by Bud Whipple (edited 12-12-2005).]