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#57747 - 10/03/03 03:15 PM SD-Card AUDIO
John Barr Offline

Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 77
Loc: Colchester,Essex,England
I have put 31 Tunes (Audio) onto a spare 128MB SD-Card, what I would like to do is, change the tune titles, not all of them but just a few, is this possible, if so, could someone please tell me how, thanks guys.
Johnny B.

#57748 - 10/03/03 03:25 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
click List and left click the name you want to change in Jukebox. Best to check in, change the name, then check out again to prevent future problems.

#57749 - 10/05/03 09:21 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
John Barr Offline

Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 77
Loc: Colchester,Essex,England
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
click List and left click the name you want to change in Jukebox. Best to check in, change the name, then check out again to prevent future problems.

Thanks Alex it works just fine only one other question, is there any way to arrange the titles in the order I would like on the SD-Card, or will I have to get another program, also once on the card I would like to print out a list of the tunes, I hope all this is not too much to ask. JohnnyB.

#57750 - 10/05/03 11:52 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
that's even easier. In the list just drag the songs up and down to the order you want them to play. Only the default playlist cannot be re-ordered, that remains the order the songs were copied over. Just create a new playlist by naming it in the 'list to be created' field and copy some or all the songs from the default into it in whatever order you like. You can make 99 different playlists with 99 different orders of songs for each card, and the beauty is that you will have used up no more space on the sd card

#57751 - 10/06/03 03:45 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
John Barr Offline

Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 77
Loc: Colchester,Essex,England
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
that's even easier. In the list just drag the songs up and down to the order you want them to play. Only the default playlist cannot be re-ordered, that remains the order the songs were copied over. Just create a new playlist by naming it in the 'list to be created' field and copy some or all the songs from the default into it in whatever order you like. You can make 99 different playlists with 99 different orders of songs for each card, and the beauty is that you will have used up no more space on the sd card
great Alex, you sure are a big help, the only thing left for me to do is, to be able to print out a list of the tunes I have on the card, I tried using "THKMCS" 7000 SD-Card tool Ver. 1.0.90 but it does'nt recognise Audio, does this mean I will have to get some form of Techmanager or Music Database, I'm sorry to be such a nusance.

#57752 - 10/06/03 04:25 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
it would be easy enough to make a print function for audio titles, but at the moment you would have to copy and paste from a copy of the sd_audio.tkm index file (in order not to corrupt the original) or copy and paste from the naming field whilst highlighted, or use one of the free screen capture programs like screen hunter or screen rip as an aid memoir.

#57753 - 10/06/03 01:01 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
jrw Offline

Registered: 09/18/03
Posts: 41
Loc: Salem, OR USA
Are you comfortable using DOS commands? If you are all you need is a SD card reader to make any changes you desire. For example (drive) dir/s >prn will print out all the files on that drive/disk in order starting with your printer.

[This message has been edited by jrw (edited 10-06-2003).]

#57754 - 10/06/03 02:06 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
not so simple, I'm afraid, won't help with any audio song names or playlists.

#57755 - 10/06/03 03:42 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
jrw Offline

Registered: 09/18/03
Posts: 41
Loc: Salem, OR USA
Not so simple? We are talking about file names are we not? 31 "tunes" equals a group of .act, .pmt, .sqt, .lsw and could be more files for the "tunes". My orginal premise was " are you comfortable with DOS commands"? Try *.act, for KN-7000 "song" files. Again you have to be comfortable with the DOS commands and know what you are doing.

[This message has been edited by jrw (edited 10-06-2003).]

#57756 - 10/06/03 05:23 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
the whole point is we're not talking about filenames. Listing filenames in dos will not tell you anything about audio song titles or playlists, which have nothing to do with technics filenames. So no amount of knowledge of dos commands will be of any use to John since any audio filenames identifing song titles are not there to be listed in the first place. For that you open the file I mentioned in notepad.

In fact listing filenames in dos won't tell you anything about technics song names either because as soon as you save a song on the 7000 the filename you would list out becomes a numerical reference of the type 01001kn7.* etc which does not give a clue as to the song or style name. It would only work for floppies you have copied to the sd card where you would have the original 6 character names, which are lost as soon as you resave, and are non-existent for any original work you save on sd 7000

#57757 - 10/06/03 05:32 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
jrw Offline

Registered: 09/18/03
Posts: 41
Loc: Salem, OR USA
The point is we are talking about file names, any song we generate in our keyboards has a file name. Your example: "01001kn7.cmp" is the first file in than folder it was saved to. That folder would be on your SD card under (drive) private\technics\kn7000\tfldxxx. If it was made through the KN-7000 there would also be 6 othe files of the same name (01001kn7), but different file extensions and they are .act, .efc, .lsw, .msp, .pmt and sqt. Older files would have .cmp, lsw, .pmt, .sqt and tm as file extensions, but they will still work with the KN-7000 which is a DOS based computer, otherwise we would not be able to hook our computers (PC)to it. I think we are getting beyond the relm of most keyboard owner's. If you want to continue use my personal e-mail.

#57758 - 10/07/03 02:02 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
trevorjohn Offline

Registered: 04/10/03
Posts: 225
Loc: Cambridge United Kingdom
Oh! jrw, you are so right.. This whole thread has read like ancient greek to me!!!!!

#57759 - 10/07/03 04:17 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
You are talking about file names, they are irrelevant to the question that John has asked. John wanted to print out his audio song names.

If we use your suggestion to look up our audio song names we will get a printout of:

AOB003.SA1 etc etc

thus it tells us nothing about which file contains which song, and no useful information about song names whatsoever.

You continue to talk of technics files, when John asked about audio files. This is irrelevant but even if we wanted to know our technics song names and followed your procedure we would get a printout:

03001KN7.* etc etc the number and type of extensions depending on the page 2 save selections.

again no useful information about which file contains which song title, given that the sequencer file can anyway contain 10 song titles.

Let us look at midi files if by a jump of the imagination we used this procedure, and get a printout of:


not many midi song titles to be seen there either.

Finally, even if you wanted a directory list, which is of no use in identifying audio, technics or midi song names anyway, there is no point in using dos since many free directory lister programs are available in windows.

#57760 - 10/07/03 01:56 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Originally posted by jrw:
[B. I think we are getting beyond the relm of most keyboard owner's. If you want to continue use my personal e-mail. [/B]

Why your personal e-mail, keep it out in the open & let the members decide whether or not it is beyond their realm we are all big boys & girls

#57761 - 10/07/03 05:18 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
jrw Offline

Registered: 09/18/03
Posts: 41
Loc: Salem, OR USA
I have the feeling this discusion is not of interest to the majority of reader's in this form. A question was asked and I answered it, with qualifactions, and someone with superior brilliance said it couldn't be done. Because snow melts and might danage your computer I have decided to take it private.Questions/comments can be directed to FYI I'm listening to a medley of songs that I copied to a floppy disk and SD disk with the direction I gave. If I have a file called on my computer/keyboard I know what is in that file, after all I created it and if the author doesn't know what he has made who does?

#57762 - 10/08/03 03:12 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Originally posted by jrw:
I have the feeling this discusion is not of interest to the majority of reader's in this form. A question was asked and I answered it, with qualifactions, and someone with superior brilliance said it couldn't be done. Because snow melts and might danage your computer I have decided to take it private.Questions/comments can be directed to FYI I'm listening to a medley of songs that I copied to a floppy disk and SD disk with the direction I gave. If I have a file called on my computer/keyboard I know what is in that file, after all I created it and if the author doesn't know what he has made who does?

I find your comments a bit presumptuous & demeaning of the people of this forum, it is for them to decide whether or not threads or posts on this forum are or are not of interest to them in fact this subject has been discussed previously one way or another.
You decided to contribute to this thread by posting publicly which is in the spirit of the forum but now for whatever reason you want members to email you and enter into this discussion privately which in my opinion is not in the spirit of this forum.
There are many people of brilliance here some more than others and all at different levels and in different fields but ALL contribute in one way or another

#57763 - 10/08/03 07:51 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
Originally posted by jrw:
FYI I'm listening to a medley of songs that I copied to a floppy disk and SD disk with the direction I gave. If I have a file called on my computer/keyboard I know what is in that file, after all I created it and if the author doesn't know what he has made who does?

the only point I've made is that John wanted to know the song names of audio tracks on sd, which have nothing to do with floppy disks or technics files in the first place. No amount of sd dos listing will give you the names of your audio songs, as it will not give you the names of your technics or midi songs either. It is also quite useless to identify any playlists you have created, which are pretty crucial for audio songs if you have re-ordered the songs as John is now able to do - see my earlier answers.

Now all of a sudden you say that you have to "remember" which song is in which position in which folder, at last an acceptance of the fact that your printout has not told you any sd song names at all. You may remember the song positions on the last floppy disk you just made. Fill a large sd card with many dozens of audio tracks, then make a couple of dozen playlists with different auto-play orders of those songs, then add many hundreds or even thousands of technics and midi songs. I would suggest that "remembering" which song is in which position will then be a rather more implausible task with a printout with no audio song names, no technics song names and no midi song names.

#57764 - 10/08/03 12:05 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
jrw Offline

Registered: 09/18/03
Posts: 41
Loc: Salem, OR USA
Sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I am not questioning your, or anyone else's, intelligence. I didn't ask the menbers to e-mail me privately, with the exception of one. I wrote "if you want to continue use my personal e-mail". My presumption was: a belief that most of the members were getting tied of the mental fencing between techicsplayer and myself. Why not ask the members if they enjoy the argumentative posting, or would they rather have an informational posting. Why is it demeaning to assume people know what is in the files they have computer/keyboard? I will be gone till 10/13/03 will continue then, if the members have no objection.

#57765 - 10/08/03 02:17 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
John Barr Offline

Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 77
Loc: Colchester,Essex,England
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
the only point I've made is that John wanted to know the song names of audio tracks on sd, which have nothing to do with floppy disks or technics files in the first place. No amount of sd dos listing will give you the names of your audio songs, as it will not give you the names of your technics or midi songs either. It is also quite useless to identify any playlists you have created, which are pretty crucial for audio songs if you have re-ordered the songs as John is now able to do - see my earlier answers.

Now all of a sudden you say that you have to "remember" which song is in which position in which folder, at last an acceptance of the fact that your printout has not told you any sd song names at all. You may remember the song positions on the last floppy disk you just made. Fill a large sd card with many dozens of audio tracks, then make a couple of dozen playlists with different auto-play orders of those songs, then add many hundreds or even thousands of technics and midi songs. I would suggest that "remembering" which song is in which position will then be a rather more implausible task with a printout with no audio song names, no technics song names and no midi song names.
Thanks Alex for keeping to the subject, naming MP3 files, at present I have in the region of 4,000 MP3s and this guy JRW who suggests that I should commit this lot to memory, the mind boggles, at the age of 76 and just holding on buy a thread I have many senior moments, as for DOS, urgh! he has to be joking, anyway Alex I have solved the problem, I went online last night and bought (Advanced MP3 Catalog Pro 3.05) from a company in Canada for £22 I feel this is a very good program and all I will need, so thanks mate for your help, I also downloaded the ScreenHunter, onother good program, so thanks again .

[This message has been edited by John Barr (edited 10-08-2003).]

#57766 - 10/08/03 02:53 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
lahawk Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/28/01
Posts: 2782
Loc: Lehigh Valley, Pa.
4000 MP3"S ?!?!?!?

Holy Maceral Andy !

That's a lotta hard drive space, and/or a lotta SD Cards.

Larry Hawk
Larry "Hawk"

Hawk Music
Sadly No More frown

♫ 🎹🎹 ♫ SX-900

#57767 - 10/08/03 04:43 PM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
jrw, no offence taken, I assure you. My single point is that a dos directory list is useless to identify John's audio songs on sd, and useless for identifying technics or midi song names on sd either, since you started talking about technics file names when John asked about his audio song names, so really the whole idea is of no use whatever as an answer to his problem.
From telling us to be "comfortable with dos files" and advising us to "know what you are doing" we have now travelled to the point of needing to memorise all the song names in every file in every folder in every playlist on the sd card.

John, that's an easy way to catalogue your mp3s on the pc but the problem of mp3s once on the sd remain. I could send Thomas the design information to add this function to our programs but he is busy too

Larry, 4000 mp3s is not too bad... You can fit around 250 on a cd, around 330 on a microdrive which fits in a matchbox sized player, around 1400 on a dvd, and 5000 to 6000 on a basic hand held multimedia player with a hard drive.

#57768 - 10/09/03 05:45 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
John Barr Offline

Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 77
Loc: Colchester,Essex,England
Originally posted by technicsplayer:
jrw, no offence taken, I assure you. My single point is that a dos directory list is useless to identify John's audio songs on sd, and useless for identifying technics or midi song names on sd either, since you started talking about technics file names when John asked about his audio song names, so really the whole idea is of no use whatever as an answer to his problem.
From telling us to be "comfortable with dos files" and advising us to "know what you are doing" we have now travelled to the point of needing to memorise all the song names in every file in every folder in every playlist on the sd card.

John, that's an easy way to catalogue your mp3s on the pc but the problem of mp3s once on the sd remain. I could send Thomas the design information to add this function to our programs but he is busy too

Larry, 4000 mp3s is not too bad... You can fit around 250 on a cd, around 330 on a microdrive which fits in a matchbox sized player, around 1400 on a dvd, and 5000 to 6000 on a basic hand held multimedia player with a hard drive.
Thanks again Alex, most of my MP3s are on 16 CDs and another lot in folders in the PC, it would be great if you could give Thomas the info to put Audio into his program, but as you say he is busy, sometime maybe, with the SD-Card I just keep experimenting and no doubt I will get there in the end, at least it keeps the old grey matter working.JohnnyB

#57769 - 10/09/03 05:50 AM Re: SD-Card AUDIO
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
John, you're doing pretty damn good so far as I can see

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