jrw, no offence taken, I assure you. My single point is that a dos directory list is useless to identify John's audio songs on sd, and useless for identifying technics or midi song names on sd either, since you started talking about technics file names when John asked about his audio song names, so really the whole idea is of no use whatever as an answer to his problem.
From telling us to be "comfortable with dos files" and advising us to "know what you are doing" we have now travelled to the point of needing to memorise all the song names in every file in every folder in every playlist on the sd card.
John, that's an easy way to catalogue your mp3s on the pc but the problem of mp3s once on the sd remain. I could send Thomas the design information to add this function to our programs but he is busy too
Larry, 4000 mp3s is not too bad...
You can fit around 250 on a cd, around 330 on a microdrive which fits in a matchbox sized player, around 1400 on a dvd, and 5000 to 6000 on a basic hand held multimedia player with a hard drive.