Well... Thanks for the kind words guys.. It shouldn't take me long to gain member status here in as much as I can't get a word in edgwise around the house. I was lucky to kave a dealer frined for years so my stuff never cost nearly as much as most paid for it.. If the 7000 turns out nearly as well as they say it will I'll get one when the fervor dies down. I did some demos as a favor on the new Lowery organs for a local dealer and I found out he can get the KN keyboards also.. SOoo looks like payback time for him... Like I said, What's wrong with playing my 5000 for a while longer it still amazes people.. add the digitec vocalist to it and 4 audiopro elete speakers and about 800 watts a chanel and it's like having your own band actually a LOT louder

The truth is the only reason I play is to be able to croon... I'm really a Lounge Lizzard... and I only do that anymore when I'm not out singing lead in with Barbershop Quartet... This sunday is cool though doing both the quartet thing and the one man band thing at the same party.. Just having a hard time keeping those cymbals strapped to me knees as I'm getting older ..
As you can see don't count on me for a lot more than comic releif in here

I do however have a few really neat composer patterns that came from the guys at Technics.. I few of them made it into the later keyboards but I have the ones that didn't also keyboards.. If anyone is interested... If you like Spike Jones there's a great one..
Thanks again for the hospitality