Best: High school battle of the bands. Me in a skanky prom dress and spider web stockings, my bass player at the time in a bunny suit, our poet/singer punked the **** out. Sword fighting with crutches, junk percussion, audience participation... plus the Lynyrd Skynyrd/Led Zepplin loving judges HATED us.

Worst: number 1: last summer we played a show in an American Legion Hall. The guy before us was a skinny white nerd rapper who plugged a discman into the PA system for his beats. For his grand finale he threw a cream pie ****ing everywhere and it got all over my synth (Ensoniq Fizmo - discontinued) and my computer. I eventually had to just throw out the floppy drive, but that only cost $5. Still, everytime I see him I start a fight with him over that.
number 2: A Punk-nic picnic where the bands played in the basement of someone's house. Our set went okay, but the PA amp would just die when things got too loud. Only cut out on us once, but later on there was a shitty punk band called Death and Taxes. After the amp cut out on them a few times, the singer starting banging MY microphone, which I had lent to the cause, on the cement floor. Then he stuck it down his pants and it still smells like crotch.
Later found out from a friend that the guy is an ex-heroin addict, still does a lot of other lesser drugs, who is known for being a crazy ****.