Dear Frank! Delighted to hear that you are on the road (albeit a l-o-n-g one
) to recovery from your surgery. Perhaps we don't always take the time to write to our friends and colleagues here on the Forum to express our personal wishes, thoughts and hopes, but it is a joy to know that in between the queries, comments, suggestions, complaints (yes, they are here, too!
), we can find the time to think about the daily travails not just of ourselves but of others, too. Perhaps we may not say it enough, but I, for one, hope my dear Forum friends KNOW
that they are cherished and thought about often, even in non-musical ways, and I just wanted to take a moment this bright morning to tell you all so, and to let you know that silence is not necessarily neglect.
The busy mundane world is really too much with us all, and life races into eternity much too quickly...But Frank, even though we may not say it enough publicly, we DO think about you and your recovery and wish you well each day. You have indeed been missed here, but out of sight does not mean the proverbial out of mind! Get well soon, buddy!!!! We are all cheering for you, and all you other Forum members whose personal problems, illnesses, etc. have perhaps not been expressed here. We are a family and families (most of them anyway, I hope) stick together through thick and thin.
So, cheers to my Forum family and, at this point in time, especially to you, Frank!