Originally posted by Sissle:
....Gunnar, are you paying attention? Maybe you could convert them for us that are left out in the cold and post them on your website! How exciting that would be!
Yes Carol, I'm paying attention
So far there is no easy way to convert from KN6/6500 to KN5000 or
other KN's.
As long as I "only" have a KN5000 myself, I can't play those styles,
and don't have any idea of how those styles sound at all.
But if I understand Bud correctly, this is converted styles that he
have tweaked and adjusted to fit his taste, so maybe some of the material
is among the stuff at my site already?
Another big problem is that one of my free webspace providers closing
down the service, so if I shall continue the free downloadservice, I
have quite a lot of work to do before the 15th of June