#59122 - 07/28/02 08:32 AM
Re: KN6000/6500/7000
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Originally posted by technicsplayer: so many home players been able to produce such good sounds before. or maybe, the arangers are producing the great sounds and the owners are tagging along for the ride. I'm all for anything that gets a kid interrested in playing music, but the scales, and arpeggios, theory etc .... it's paramount to actually PLAYING music. Using arrangers is more like a "pint by numbers" approach to art. It's not a bad thing, but it doesn't really develope chops at all. Yes, the pro market is small, as it is with most professions ... if it was easy - everyone would do it. The tool is not the most important element here, but the right one sure helps the cause. Please don't take this as a negitive comment about home users. it's NOT. I am mearly stating that the playing technic is being ignored at the early stages, these days, and that's not going to produce more players ... just more owners.
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#59127 - 07/29/02 09:36 AM
Re: KN6000/6500/7000
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Uncle Dave, I like the way you express yourself. Your remark, (a "pint by numbers" approach) reminds me of old Uncle Al, rest his soul. A pint by the numbers was his approach also. After work he would go to the local pub and his practice was to have a pint. After number one pint he would start on number two pint. Two became three pints. After maybe pint number four or pint five he would try to find his way home. After getting home this type of practice would tend to manifest itself in his playing. His playing tended to be in a more romantic vain. Poor old Aunt Minnie sometimes didn’t take very kindly to his style of romantical playing. Especially after his pint by the numbers practice. One thing would lead to another and after awhile old Uncle Al would receive a bust in the mouth from Antie. I don’t know how this had anything to do with developing his chops but he didn’t seem to mind. Once in a while he would sport a lump on his head or a black eye but paramount to actually playing, his practice of a pint by the numbers never changed to the day he died of cirrhosis of the liver. As far as scales and theory are concerned as far as I can determine, old Uncle Al’s theory was after weighing his theory of having fun against the arpeggios of life, or you might say the ups and downs of life, he chose his way. Just like Frankie used to sing, “MY WAY”. May old Unk and Antie rest in peace after enjoying life.
Uncle Dave Quote - “I am merely stating that the playing technic is being ignored at the early stages, these days, and that's not going to produce more players ... just more owners” unquote. Uncle Dave, these days are not those days when we were young. With the advent of more and more things viewing for the attention of younger people it is at this point in time imperative for music to capture it’s share. First live, then wax, wire, followed by tape, etc. and now Digital. Stored enmass mechanically and now by SD chips and the like. It seems the older folks for the most part, have a hard time with the new of the now. Always has been and most likely always will be. You say these days are not going to produce more players, just more owners. Only a few generations ago was the advent of the piano as we know it. How could you develop chops on the piano if there was none. First must come the piano before the practice. And so is it now. First more owners and then the players will follow. Some will go farther than others I admit. There must be bad players in order to make the good players stand out. When the word pro sounds good to your ears, why does it? Because pro means one gets paid for his efforts? Because that’s all he does for a living? Because he’s a better player than others? I heard a few pro’s who stink in my estimation. Did Louie A have a good singing voice? Made big bucks with it. I tend to think it all depends how one uses what they got. I got what I got, I found out to use it and it makes me some good change on the side and I have moocho fun. I believe it bugs you that guys like me go out and earn good money on the side and enjoy it without the years of laborious practice you had to go through. I can understand that. During WW2 and a short time after I used to make a lot of money plowing, disking and then harrowing victory gardens. Somebody invented the rototiller. It plowed, disked and harrowed a piece of ground in one pass. Bingo, it was done and better than I did it the old way. Everybody could afford one. I was ticked. The art of carriage making succumbed to the automobile. People still ride horses but not to the extent or purpose that it used to be. I threw out my accounting firm. Bought a five hundred dollar accounting program for my thirty five hundred dollar computer. Hooked it up to a twenty three hundred dollar laser printer and paid for the whole ball of wax in less than a year. This has added nicely to my bottom line for many years following. I canned my printing service and am doing it in house on the computer system also.
We have new music and old music side by side today. We have the old way of making music and the new way of making music side by side also. The old way of listening still exists alongside the new way today also. The old way of thinking is side by side with the new.
Before the end result must be the tools to make it. First we must get the tools in the hands of the apprentice, the one desiring to learn. How to use the tool then comes next followed by much practice of the tool. The end product then follows. The one with much practice and becomes proficient with his tools makes the best end product. The best product sells the best, and around and around she goes and where she stops nobody knows as said by old Major Bows of the amateur hour. Many kids became pros, with the help of Major Bows. I’m a poet and I don't know it. Not bad eh?
I find it very hard to take my thoughts and put them into words. Think my next project will be to invent a thinking machine. I’ll put my thinking hat on, you put your thinking hat on. Turn the thinking valve one way and my thinks will go into your thinks. Turn the valve the other way and it will reverse the flow. That idea becomes even more appealing. Dave, we will each put on our think hat. We will turn the flow in my direction. My next gig will will be a knock out. Oh Oh! The down side. How much will you charge me to let your brains flow into mine. Maybe not as much profit for me as I thought. Getting back to what I was going to say. Thoughts don’t get along very well with words. Words like to screw up what thoughts are trying to think. Thinking is trying to tell words to tell other people what thinking is thinking about. In the process, words sometimes have a mind of their own and mess everything up. Maybe that’s why when Ruthie opens her mouth and the words flow out, I ask her what in the world are you thinking about? Are you nuts or something? Ruthie likes me I know. Her words have a mind of their own and try to cause argument. After all, one of the main reasons for their existence is for argument, seems to me. As far as I am concerned, I like words. Writing down words gives me something to do. A lot of times I don’t listen to myself. Therefore at a later time reading what I said could be very entertaining to say the least. For the most part what I have to say has no real value so I substitute value for volume. Volume is valuable. It dilutes understanding. That way people don’t really understand what you are saying. Professors keep their jobs that way. They lecture for long periods of time. Students lose tract of the subject but think he really knows his stuff. I learned much from Politicians. If nothing else they know the art of using words to say nothing of the subject at hand so nobody could hold them responsible for the things they thought he was saying. Preachers the same way. I really can’t say much about them even though I changed churches 9 times. What I can say is the sermon was a great time for a nice nap. Ruthie got tired of nudging me with her elbow because she claimed I snored. This is why we read the bible at home now. Great book and great ideas. Moody says there is over five hundred varieties of christianity. Now we get the variety of the big boss. At this point I don’t remember what I was talking about besides Ruthie wants me to get ready to go over to the grand kids birthday party. After the party, got to pack a few duds and my pills because tomorrow we’re off to see Art. the three of us, Ruthie, me and my pills. Don’t laugh. It takes gas to make the car go and pills to keep me running. Some day you’ll be there.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug