#59112 - 07/23/02 03:30 PM
Re: KN6000/6500/7000
Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
I can't believe it! All you guys out there have never noticed! I feel so sorry for you. If I had the money I would send each and every one of you a free voucher to visit the optometrist. Incredible!!!! Ted, and also all you guys out there, you have to be more creative in your thinking. Be more observant of the things around you. I know how hard it is to convince my Ruthie to buy me a new board seeing I only had the previous one a little better than a year. Also some of you guys who tend to be a little tight might have a problem departing with a few bucks. You have to psych yourselves up. Have a good talk with yourselves. Never let a few slabs of green stuff get in the way of your pleasure. Listen up and I’ll explain what I mean and how I went about it. Guys, first thing you got to do is sharpen up your eyeballs.
Ruthie, I said, you know how you always complain about me not putting the cover on my board when I’m finished playing. How it gets dusty and faded from the sun beating in through the window. How when I walk by with my blueberry biscuit and cup of coffee and inadvertently spill or get a spot on the KN on my way to my recliner? Well hon, that's all gona change. Looking at me with a weary eye she at last ventured the word, WHEN. Not blinking an eye I proceeded to explain what I had in mind. Ruthie, I said with a gusto that got her attention, right now if not sooner. After detecting a muffled sort of sound exuding deep within her lovely throat I proceeded. First of all, as soon as the store opens I’m taking this board down to get it restored to first class shape. All them coffee and beer stains that bug and embarrass you when we have company over will be gone. All that dried peanut butter from the grand kids will be taken care of. You’ll see. Believe you me, from now on a covered keyboard will be a clean keyboard. Isn’t that what I’ve been telling you all along? Ignoring that bit of sarcasm I proceed to pack the board into the car. With keyboard underarm and a spring in my step I proceeded to unload the board onto the owners desk. Well what do you think, I ventured, can you make this thing look like new? Well, I suppose we can clean this board up somewhat. I don’t think we can bring back the color in that faded area from the sun, but we can try. Oh, Oh! That deep scratch from the sequencer button drifting down to the right bottom side of the board is bad. Very bad! Very bad indeed!! Can’t you paint it, I suggested? Glancing at me above his thick black rimmed glasses he said, Hardly! While reaching up and scratching his head while sitting down in his rather nicely padded chair he invited me to do the same. Without mincing words he explained my approach to restoring it to mint condition was just not in the books. Sensing my distress he began proposing an alternate plan. If you want a nice looking piece of equipment, take the money you would spend to tidy up your board, such as it is, and upgrade the 6 to a 65. Not only will it look good but you got new rhythms and sounds to play with. I would say a man of your stature if you would add a few green ones to the old board and taking into consideration the restoration cost of the 6 you would be very happy. And happy I was. Just what I had in mind.
With my new 65 underarm, closing the door behind me, I ambled over to the now vacant stand and set the new board in it’s rightful place. Ruthie hearing the noise, came into the living room from the kitchen drying her hands along the way. With a sweeping flair of my right arm I said, well what do you think? I didn’t think it was possible she exclaimed. I knew it was dirty but not that dirty. Look how nice and silvery it is. That old dark gray is all gone. I’ll be doggone, she remarked, I don’t remember it being so nice and bright. Guess old age is got something to do with the memory cells. What in the world? I don’t believe it. Looks like you took it to the dentist. The ivory off color white of the keys is gone. So sparkling white. Almost looks like its smiling at me. Maybe you should brush your teeth more often. I heard they got a new process. Look into it. Your ivories could use a good whitening. Tell me, she said, what all did they do to it. You sure got your moneys worth. Nice job what ever they did. I’ll tell you later, I suggested, right now I would like to hear if she sounds any better. The keys of the keyboard are pure white and the color of the case is now all silver. None of you guys mentioned this but the women notice. Use these things to your advantage........
How long you got it aint everything. Money aint everything. Good looks got it’s place also. Ruthie picked me and I would like to think the latter is why she chose me. Dreaming is also very handy. When facts get in the way let dreaming take over.
From the well of Grampa Doug’s wisdom.
Grampa Doug
#59114 - 07/23/02 09:59 PM
Re: KN6000/6500/7000
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
Chuckle, Grandpa Doug! I loved your story but I couldn't get away with the same technique because I switched from a 5000 to a 6500 and there was no way I could convince my wife that my black 5000 was polished to a new silvery look, nor that the screen size was changed or that the buttons were moved around, etc. So, I had to admit that I had upgraded and gotten a NEW keyboard. No complaints on her part, though, because she insists my playing (such as it is) is great therapy and a whole lot less expensive in the long run that a shrink!!  . I'm really thrilled with my 6500 and, as some others have said above, the 7000 will have to offer some great and truly irresistible innovations to have me switch again. Thanks, Grampa Doug, and ALL of you who have commented.  Ted Rose
#59117 - 07/25/02 09:29 PM
Re: KN6000/6500/7000
Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 130
Loc: Alma, Michigan, 48801 USA
Interesting thread folks. Concerning the new models we get around every two years, and sometimes become upset over. Remember that the manufacturers are not always happy about this either. The problem is that they are often driven to it by the compatition. If Ford comes out with some new great feature, then all other car makers feel compeled to bring out new models with this same great feature on their cars, even though they had not planned on it, and actually wished they did not need to do it, due to market conditions, union trouble, or many other factors. Cash flow is another reason to introduce new models, and there are many other reasons too. We should not always fault the company for doing it, because sometimes in order to keep up they have to do it, Cheers ARJ