This might prove interesting to anybody with old computer equipment. At noon the doorbell rang. I opened it to find one of my neighbours on the door with a carrier bag. He apologised for disturbing me but explained that he and his wife are moving to Jersey; anyway, in going through their loft / attic had found an amount of equipment left by their late son. Seeing that one piece was a computer, thought of us and bought it round. He didn't want any money for it (thanks, as we're close to the tax year end) but thought it would be of interest.
The item in question is an Atari 520STm with a manufacture date of 3/6/89, according to it's base label. I accepted it immediately based on a vague memory of this being one of the first home computers with direct MIDI connections. At a cost of nil it was quite a bargain.
However, now to the problem; all we've got is the computer. If anyone knows where to source the following parts from please get in touch with Michie or myself.
1 - Mains Lead (UK) 240V
2 - Compatible Mouse
3 - Monitor (Mono / Colour) With Lead
4 - External Floppy Disk Or Hard Drive With Leads etc.
5 - Any Reference / Instruction Manuals
6 - Basic TOS Software Disk(c)s
As some of you already know we deal, on a business basis with PCs and MACs, so this is not quite our patch(!); however if you can help, we'd be very grateful. Our idea would be, eventually, to disconnect the KN6K from the home PC and allow the Atari full integration with the 'monster'.
Hope to hear from you,