Hi Fran.
The flirtation with florida is over once again and we're back to earth in the U.K.
You must have been waiting for us because. wow, those temperatures!! 94%!!. We arrived at Sanford and then drove down to Sarasota and then Venice and also Ellenstown where we quite by accident found a place called 'PIZZA AND PIPES'. A really smart idea this was, you can sit and eat your meal and also listen to the live sound of the 'MIGHTY WURLITZER' from 5 pm. to 10 pm.
to the playing of Bill Vlasak. Unfortunately he didn't know my request ( 'I Won't Send Roses'from Mack and Mabel) but it was a very good show. After a few days there we went across to the east coast (via a one night stop in Kissimmee) to Daytona Beach. Now! a visit to the Valusia Shopping Mall was a must
and I just happened on a Music Store in there. ( I think my wife thinks that this more than a coincidence) but there it was, like an oasis in the desert, a MUSIC WORLD STORE and it so happened on the day we were there, MARCO MENDEZ, was doing a demonstration in store on the new ROLAND AT80S Organ. Listening to this man was brilliant. I still prefer the Technics.
but his arrangements of 'Phantom of the Opera'
'Tico Tico' and several Marches was superb.
After a few more days in Daytona we moved up the coastal road to St Augustine and that was a real gem. America's Oldest City? and then back down to Orlando ( International Drive) just for the last few days and it just got hotter and hotter. Here we are now , back down to earth in the U.K. but don't you all get complacent because we will be back, so be warned.
Pete B.