i have a friend hooking me up with hosting.
Tripod has deleted mp3's on me, and i've had friends who've lost them on angelfire and geocities. This was during the time when Napster was big, so maybe they've cooled off a bit, but people still get 'em erased if enough people download them.
EDIEBREC.mp3 This is what I was talking about in my post in regards to the ASR-10. If you can't stand it, forward it to the 2:00 mark before you shut it off.
Ode to the Olsen Twins This is just me and an acoustic guitar. My first attempt at singing in 20 years, be gentle. Btw, ask the kids to leave the room before you play this.
End of the World The stuff in the beginning and the choir thingy towards the end were contributed by another guy, the rest is all me. It was for an informal collaboration contest where the criteria was that the song be about the end of the world.
[This message has been edited by Cloakboy (edited 12-08-2002).]