#60897 - 08/11/03 03:56 AM
Re: Error in upgrade 1.5 be carefull!!!!
Registered: 02/12/03
Posts: 96
For Uncle Doug (who seems to want to keep this pot on the boil ;>)): Technics operating systems are not written in stone. Why do you think that Technics, Yamaha, and others sell instruments which have their operating systems written onto an (wait for it!) Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM or, in current jargon Flash EPROM). The whole idea is that, given reasonable precautions, the user can upgrade the system whenever it is corrected/improved. Remember, your Technics keyboard is, basically, a musical computer, run by a computer program. I have been in the computer world for more years than I care to remember, but one tenet still holds good "computer programs are never finished, they are said to be at an advanced state of completion". Some owners will ignore all the above and never upgrade their instruments, unless they can get their dealer to do it for them - which goes against the original reason to EEPROMs. If you don't mind running slightly lame equipment, OK Great-Grandpa Mike
#60899 - 08/11/03 09:58 AM
Re: Error in upgrade 1.5 be carefull!!!!
Junior Member
Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 24
Loc: Porto - Portugal
Hi people! I never thought that I will create such discussion about upgrades, but the truth is my KN7000 after the upgrade become a complete surprise! Load Song-off,Sequencer Reset- off, playing a song (midle of music)-off. Every time I touch a button, the keyboard after a litle bliking turn off and restart alone. It's not a matter of voltage because I always use a voltage stabilizator. Solution, went to my dealer and ask him for a new keyboard. He lend me one, as here in Portugal it is vacation time and it is not possible to repair my keyboard. When I turned back the new keyboard to insert my EW1 and EW4 cards I see a white label in wich I read SXKN7000(1.3) and my keyboard at the same label said SXKN7000(1.1). This litlle difference may represent "that small difference" which causes the blinking,flickering, offing of my upgraded keyboard.... In a few days (after 15 August-end of vacations) I will tell you more, the technicien that will repair my keyboard is a very good friend, and this time there will be no secrets, I will be there present when he opens the Pandora Box.