#62006 - 11/21/03 06:35 PM
Registered: 06/23/01
Posts: 77
Loc: Colchester,Essex,England
A really fine bit of work Alex, but at the moment I am getting a bit bogged down, I have a blank 128MB SD Card and would like to put , 7000 Table B-Composer/Panel Memories onto the Card, the instructions say,Download the SINGLE Total SD Card Backup, I have been looking for this Single Backup, I have searched the 5 pages, but cant seem to find it, can anyone pleas e help, I am hoping that with one click I can download all of this, Thank You, Johnny B Originally posted by technicsplayer: As the text says, all downloads on the site load into the KN7000, they are labelled for the specific other products they are also applicable for. If you go to either of the KN Floppy Disk Style Library sections and click on a KNxxxx Disk xxx (MAC) button you should get a download KNxxxx disk x.zip. There aren't any asp files, you may be saving the web page rather than the download file, I haven't a mac so can't test it.
#62010 - 11/22/03 03:56 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Everyone, an interesting discussion cropped up in our kn7 styles group yesterday in regards to the reason why Alec has gone to all the trouble of putting our kn7 styles into both types of formats Custom styles & Composer Styles. Thought I'd share the following best wishes Rikki --- In kn7000styles@yahoogroups.com, "Rikki King" wrote: > Thank you > so much Alec for all the hard work you've put into these styles. > They are greatly appreciated.
From: "technicsplayer" Date: Fri Nov 21, 2003 11:30 pm Subject: Re: NEW FREE STYLES FOR TECHNICS USERS
hope the various versions come in useful, Rikki! :-)
From: "Rikki King" Date: Sat Nov 22, 2003 9:54 am Subject: Re: NEW FREE STYLES FOR TECHNICS USERS Hi Alec, the bonus is that you've now apparantly given us access to all the styles in COMPOSER format as well as in the original CUSTOM Style format. ( I'm not allowed to download them at the moment because I've used up my monthly allowance of mb's, and my service provider charges like a wounded bull when you go over the allowance, so I'm limiting myself to emails at the moment and the odd file) of all the times not to be allowed to download ( haahaa)
The benefit that I can see in having them in composer format is that
1. Custom styles apparently only work on the keyboard they were created for, so I assume if/when the new model kn appears on the scene , the kn7 customs probably wouldn't work on the new model, wheras in kn7 composer format,would/should.
2. Having them in composer format is great for the members who share their songs. I've had a couple of songs play back with rather bizzare styles. ie the sequence had been created using a custom style. Problem was, my custom style set was different to the original players set. He hadn't saved the custom set as part of the song. Wouldn't have had the problem, if the style had been available in composer format. It's far easier to save a composer style as part of the song, than a full custom set.
3.You've done all the hard work converting them from custom to composer. Now if we want to do any editing or fiddling round with these styles we can.
thanks again alec
best wishes Rikki From: "technicsplayer" Date: Sun Nov 23, 2003 3:57 am Subject: Re: NEW FREE STYLES FOR TECHNICS USERS
precisely, Rikki. It's obviously taking a while to sink in widely because there is complete flexibility in how you want to load and save in whatever storage medium you prefer now.
the downside is that custom format is more efficient for storage, as can be seen by the 7000 book total library backup from the CD fitting on a 32MB card, whereas this total library backup needs a 64 MB card, not really affected by the new styles included here. Also compare the number of styles that will fit on the 8 MB card.
best wishes Rikki 🧸
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