Hi Anthony,
the answer is YES. That's exactly what I did with my example.
Remember they have to be put thru the apc to smf function first to split the style up into it's individual parts.
In my example , I was after a particular part of the style " accomp 1, harp arpeggio" so when I put it thru the apc to smf function , I only set one of the tracks ( track 12 accomp 1).
Normally if I want to split up a complete style I set it to the following
Track 9 drum2
Track10 drum1
Track11 bass
Track12 accomp1
Track13 accomp2
Track14 accomp3
Track15 accomp4
Track16 accomp5
I found if I kept it to a uniform standard, I'd always know exactly how I had created it.
Remember, you're not only stuck with looped pads, there's "one shot pads" also like a drum roll, that can be used at any time in your sequence for effect by setting your pad to "instant" instead of "synchro" .
Another place to get pads from would be easy composer. Scroll thru and find parts that could sound okay. Also you could create new drum beats by scrolling thru the individual drum parts, and create pads out of these.
Then use them by muting the drums in a style and use the pad instead.
Pad 5 & 6 could even be used as a solo instrument "intro or ending " in a song, because it has the chord progression feature.
Also remember pads 1 to 4 have 2 parts. So I'm guessing ( as I haven't had a chance to try it yet) you'd be able to have 2 individual instruments playing in a pad ie piano & bass or bass & drums.
They're actually quite an amazing feature.
If you have anymore questions, let me know.
best wishes
Originally posted by AnthonyCian:
Hi Rikki:
Your explanation is very detailed. However I'm confused (sorry). When creating Pads can a person use a pre-exiting technics built in/composer style? That is, take a built in fill-in, even intro's and endings, and manipulated just right, looped, these could be awesome pads. Of course one would have to pick an accomp part, but just think...