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#62659 - 05/05/06 06:33 PM An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Scottyee Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Technics Forum friends: I invite you all to listen to my latest songs:

* This Could Be The Start of Something Big
* Blue Bayou

Both are 'live' sung & played arranger keyboard recordings, so I acknowledge a few glitches, but suppose that's expected for a spontaneous 'on the fly' live performance recording situation, right?

To listen, go to my website:
Scott Yee Entertainment
Go to the: "Song Demos" Page.

"This Could Be the Start of Something Big" is located in the "Big Band/Swing" section, and "Blue Bayou" is located in the "Pop, Rock & Blues" section.

Then Select: 'DSL/Cable' or '56K' version

Happy arranger keyboarding to all,


#62660 - 05/05/06 07:34 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Scott ... we've already 'talked' about Blue Bayou ... "Somethin' Big" ...I really liked the arrangement ... was it a Ty2 on board style/rhythm? ... However, it was obviously in the wrong key for you... In cases like this, when I know the tune in one key, and for whatever reason my voice isn't going to make it, I find the transpose button to be a life (and vocal cord) saver
t. cool

#62661 - 05/06/06 05:39 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
larry gosmeyer Offline

Registered: 01/23/02
Posts: 394
Loc: La Verne, CA USA

Congrats on a "Big" bunch of good listening.

Larry Gosmeyer

#62662 - 05/06/06 07:03 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Great recordings Scott - I just love the 'Modern' Lyrics in 'This could be the Start of Something Big' I'm sure Steve Allen would approve..............


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#62663 - 05/06/06 01:53 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Originally posted by Bill Norrie:
Great recordings Scott - I just love the 'Modern' Lyrics in 'This could be the Start of Something Big' I'm sure Steve Allen would approve..............

Scott ... I meant to mention that ... VERY creative and clever...
t. cool

#62664 - 05/07/06 06:44 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Scottyee Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Tony, Larry, and Bill. Glad you enjoyed my rendition as well as my lyric re-write.

Originally posted by tony mads usa:
was it a Ty2 on board style/rhythm?

A Ty2, which Technics model kb does that refer to?

Originally posted by tony mads usa:
it was obviously in the wrong key for you.
Tony, I'll respect your opinion, but I think it was the 'right' key, required to produce the kind of 'hyped up' excitement I wanted to present for this type of song. Onboard T2 Style: 'Big Band Fast1'

Thanks again for listening folks.


#62665 - 05/08/06 10:53 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Ted Rose Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
Hey Scott,

Great songs and marvelous renditions. Thanks for sharing. What keyboard do you use and what type of mic? And, most importantly, how do you record like that and get such remarkably clear recordings?????)

Looking forward to another contribution soon!

Ted Rose (of Jaybird "fame"?)

#62666 - 05/08/06 12:14 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Scott, the only word that comes to me is –PRO –

When I come in to a room and my ears, head and heart begins to focus on the music it is because someone like you is playing.

I think I am going to add some Scott Yee into my performance. Aaaaaaaah, Good stuff.

Thanks for sharing Scott, John C.

#62667 - 05/09/06 08:21 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Scottyee Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Ted and John: I'm really glad you enjoyed my songs, and especially appreciate such kind words. Thanks.

Originally posted by Ted Rose:
What keyboard do you use and what type of mic? And, most importantly, how do you record like that and get such remarkably clear recordings?????

It wasn't my intention to promote the keyboard equipment I use, but since you asked:

Keyboard: Yamaha Tyros2
Microphone: Sennheiser e935

These were basically live performances, recorded straight into the keyboard's built in HD recorder (as a WAV file) in one take: no multi-track, overdubs or post processing was made whatsoever. The resultant WAV file was subsequently converted to a much smaller compressed format: WMA (windows media audio) file, for posting on the internet.


#62668 - 05/09/06 09:25 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Fran D Offline

Registered: 01/26/02
Posts: 918
Loc: Aiken, SC, USA

Nice job. You sing much better without a cold (the 05 Jam.)

The Tyros sounds interesting and we will have it demonstrated at our 3RD FLORIDA JAM, MARCH 2007. Hope you can make it.

Fran in SC

#62669 - 05/09/06 03:21 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Adam Glinka Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 05/15/03
Posts: 15
Loc: Des Plaines,Illinois USA
Originally posted by Adam Glinka:

I dont know, if it is my player,but the vocal on this recording is almost unreadable - looks like ther is much to much reverb

#62670 - 05/10/06 04:27 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Fran D Offline

Registered: 01/26/02
Posts: 918
Loc: Aiken, SC, USA
Must be your player. Sounds great on Windows Media Player.

Fran in SC

#62671 - 05/10/06 08:54 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Craig_UK Offline

Registered: 11/23/04
Posts: 914
Loc: UK
Adam, definitely your player. Scott's vocals are crystal clear. I always convert his WMA files back to a high quality MP3 so I can play using Creative Media source, which doesn't do WMA files.

#62672 - 05/10/06 03:13 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Bazz Woods Offline

Registered: 09/10/04
Posts: 178
Loc: British Isles
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the demo and I dont mean any offence to be taken but I have recorded
some great demos on my korg trinity .
Backing with live vocals&playing,effects
etc.But I dont see what my recording means
to people on a Technics forum.
Now had I recorded on a Kn7000 etc.
yes I would see the point.
I know you owned a technics and have many
friends on the forum but is this (and again scott no offence intended)not meant
to be on the Tyros2 forum.

Cheers Barry

#62673 - 05/10/06 03:18 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Bazz Woods Offline

Registered: 09/10/04
Posts: 178
Loc: British Isles
Tyros Forum only.

Cheers Barry

#62674 - 05/10/06 04:02 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I do not wish to live in a box – There is so much going on in this world and I want to be part of it. I want any recordings by anyone to be shown on this forum, especially by Scott Yee, he is a talent.

The posts are becoming less and less, I welcome all songs on any keyboard they add to our enjoyment.
Someone came from another area to share with us, how dare we say you are not welcome.

My vote;

1-I have used this forum to start my day for years, anything that can help keep it alive and going is welcome.

2-One day, if I don’t die first, I will move from Technics to another brand keyboard so I want to know all that I can about all those other keyboards.

3-I try to keep one thing in mind, me and my KN 7000 keyboard are aging, becoming less capable, I do not wish to lose sight of that.

Only my opinion, John C.

#62675 - 05/10/06 04:07 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Scottyee Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Barry, though I certainly understand your concern, My intention was ONLY to share my arranger keyboard created music with my many friends (which includes you ) here. As you may have noticed, I made it a point NOT to credit or mention the brand/model arranger I produced my songs on, because I realize it could have been produced on a Technics keyboard as well. I only (relunctantly) revealed my keyboard used when someone specifically asked. I posted my songs here because I believe all arranger keyboard owners SHARE one thing in common: a deep appreciation for arranger keyboard produced music, irregardless of the make & model arranger keyboard it was performed on.

If Nigel our forum administrator (or enough others here) feel it inappropriate for me to be posting my music on this forum, I'll gladly respect your wishes and no longer post here.

Scott Yee

PS: John C, thanks for your continued friendship & support.

[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 05-10-2006).]

#62676 - 05/11/06 04:39 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Fran D Offline

Registered: 01/26/02
Posts: 918
Loc: Aiken, SC, USA
"Technics Discussion", is more than a forum of Technic owners. It is a forum of many friends made over the years. Many of us do not post on other forums because our family of friends are here. To not allow those that have changed brand of instruments to post on this site would take away what draws many of us to post.

As most of you know, we are having our 3rd Florida Keyboard Jam in March 2007. The first two were called "Technics Keyboard Jam". With the demise of Technics we now invite all keyboards players regardless of brand of instrument. Our Jams are about FRIENDS SHARING THE JOY OF MUSIC. We also want to LEARN MORE ABOUT TECHNICS AND OTHER MAKES OF KEYBOARD. This forum should be the same.

John C is absolutely correct in his above post. You pull the strings, Nigel. How about your thoughts on this.

Fran in SC

#62677 - 05/11/06 04:52 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Originally posted by Scottyee:
If Nigel our forum administrator (or enough others here) feel it inappropriate for me to be posting my music on this forum, I'll gladly respect your wishes and no longer post here.
Scott Yee
PS: John C, thanks for your continued friendship & support.
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 05-10-2006).]

Scott ... I think Nigel and the VAST majority have NO PROBLEM with you posting here, and even sharing the how, what , etc. of your recordings ... And even though we haven't always seen 'eye to eye' on some things, I fully respect your talent and it's always good to hear what you are doing...
t. cool

#62678 - 05/11/06 04:54 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
This is an open forum as are the other Synth Zone groups..There is nothing wrong with a fellow SZ member posting on any group.
As for Scott , he was a long time supporter of Technics, and should be given an extra measure of courtesy...more so than someone as I , never owned a top of the line Technics..
We are all SZ members here...and maybe we all should lighten up a bit..

#62679 - 05/11/06 11:42 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Bazz Woods Offline

Registered: 09/10/04
Posts: 178
Loc: British Isles
To Scott,and all.

Im sorry I seem to have explained myself
And when I look back at my post it dosent
read well.
So to all I apologise,and yes point taken
Technics is no longer,so musicians move on.
I also have personal friends on SZ and value
this forum in particular.
So again to all !!!! Sorry !!!!


#62680 - 05/11/06 12:51 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Bazz Woods Offline

Registered: 09/10/04
Posts: 178
Loc: British Isles
Fran Carango,

Had a listen to your website songs.
Ever think of doing a Al Martino Tribute.
Just a little less reverb as your voice is
very emotional and carries each song well.

Cheers Barry

#62681 - 05/11/06 01:14 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bazz Woods:
[B]To Scott,and all.

Im sorry I seem to have explained myself
And when I look back at my post it dosent
read well.
So to all I apologise,and yes point taken
Technics is no longer,so musicians move on.
I also have personal friends on SZ and value
this forum in particular.
So again to all !!!! Sorry !!!!


Barry, I have lots of respect for people like yourself who keep an open mind and have no fear in saying I apologise.

Take care good friend, John C.

#62682 - 05/11/06 06:34 PM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
tony mads usa Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
Originally posted by Bazz Woods:
To Scott,and all.

Im sorry I seem to have explained myself
And when I look back at my post it dosent
read well.
So to all I apologise,and yes point taken
Technics is no longer,so musicians move on.
I also have personal friends on SZ and value
this forum in particular.
So again to all !!!! Sorry !!!!


... not to worry ...
t. cool

#62683 - 05/12/06 04:17 AM Re: An Invitation to Listen to my latest Songs: "Something Big" & "Blue Bayou"
Fran D Offline

Registered: 01/26/02
Posts: 918
Loc: Aiken, SC, USA

Wish this Fran had Fran C's talent.

the best to you and yours,

Fran in SC

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