#63183 - 10/09/04 07:41 AM
Registered: 09/14/02
Posts: 533
Loc: The Netherlands
Hi, I am Cees Schenk and live in the Netherlands in a village Leiderdorp (about 25000 inhabitants). All the capital cities, like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague are about 15/20 minutes cardrive. But I can hear you thinking, that's logic because Holland is such a small country...  Long, long time ago I played the guitar. That's why the great guitarsounds in the KN7 are my favorites. I had the whole range of Technics (from AX7 till KN7). I strictly play from musicsheets. I like messing around with the KN7, mostly to get grip/understand in its possibilities, as sometimes I like it a challenge to make own styles. Mostly in combination with my other interest: the computer(musicsoftware and the KESO-site) and midi and the KN7. The playingskills of course suffer due to the fiddling around. But as a pure amatuer nobody cares I guess. Ohh I must not forget to point at: it is a misunderstanding that Holland is only tulips, windmills and farmers in national costumes on wooden shoes. That image is only for the tourist(-industry)  Nice to read the other posts, cheers, Cees  [This message has been edited by cees (edited 10-09-2004).]
Cees  Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit http://www.keso.nl
#63188 - 10/09/04 05:15 PM
Registered: 09/30/04
Posts: 519
Although I don't have a Technics (yet), I have been considering it. I've been enjoying reading thru everyone's input here and it increases my interest in the Technics. Ted, I too, like Tony, wish I had a better ear (or 2) for playing the music. Andy, thanks for the website link. I will be visiting more often. I got interested in Technics while taking some accordion lessons about a year ago. My teacher had a KN6000 series in the lesson room. It was new to him and every now and then, he would be fooling around with it when I came in for a lesson. As time went on, the more I heard out of it, the more I liked it. Giovanni  earlier today, I was thinking about starting a thread into accordions. I played the Iorio 'H' synth-accordion years ago, and have an Excelsior Digisyzer with miditran function. I am a fan of every accordion player that you listed and many more. I constantly look for new accordion/player sites. I don't want to tie up this forum with accordion chat but if somene doesn't beat me to it, I'll get around to opening an accordion-related thread and accordion talk can continue. Best Wishes to everyone in your music and playing. Ed
#63189 - 10/09/04 10:12 PM
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
This has been such a delightful thread to read, and I appreciated hearing about other "ear" players like myself, as well somewhat amused by the envy you non-ear players have expressed. Ironic, because I have always envied those of YOU who can read music, and take a piece of paper with funny symbols (notes) written on it, and transfer it to the keyboard as beautiful music. I guess we all have different "gifts" in the musical world. Did I ever mention that I never knew I was "gifted" until about 10 years ago? I never had had an occasion to play an instrument, but I did sing a bit and could always harmonize by ear. So, when I discovered that I could sit down, pick out melodies, and then, soon after, also play chords along with the melodies, it came as a surprise to me--still does. Perhaps the funniest part of it all--at least to all my more talented musical friends--is that I find it almost impossible to play in the key of C!! My favorite key is F, next is Eb, then Ab, then Bb. Keys with sharps are more difficult for me. Can I explain my "gift"? No way, but I love and cherish the ability to be able to play the myriad melodies that flood my brain. And I have also enjoyed the lists of songs you have included in another thread here in the forum for me to try to play--songs I love but just didn't think of. How delighted I am to have met all of you, too, through this wonderful Forum, to share this joy we all have. Thank you BEBOP, for starting this lovely thread which is getting longer and longer. Such fun!!!!! Deep affection to you all! Ted 