First, just a little comment about the KN5000 mixer.
You can set Sound, balance PAN, set VOLUMES, set and adjust REVERB
level, set and adjust DSP effect in some DSP types, turn on off the
DIGITAL effect, select KEYSHIFT, set LOCAL on/off and set MIDI CH or
turn on/off for each part.
However, the AUTOMATIC ACCOMPANIMENT parts are limited in what part/
items that can be adjusted from here, as Alec correctly mention.
Mainly, as far as I can see, it gives you the option to adjust the
REVERB level.
Wishlist or not. Regarding to the new KN, I wonder if the engineers
at Matsushita / Panasonic / Technics ever look in to forums like this
to see how the comments from the users are?
We know Ketron's people do, and Chris at GM, they even ask and brings
the whishes and comments to the right divisions, and we have seen real
good response, such as in Scott's chord table for Ketron.
I can't remember, even once that someone authorized from Technics have
peeked in and said hello at any forum, or am I wrong?
I guess any whishlist is a kind of waste, because the KN7k is probably
finished at the "table", and maybe some adjustments regarding to the
respond from those "big guys" who visit in Frankfurth will be done?
I remember back in late 80's, or early 90's, the dealers representative
here in this area asked us KN users to make a list about what we would
like add or change etc. for the next model, and also other dealers did
the same thing to bring to Technics at the Frankfurth stand.
I remember among a lot of things I was whishing a larger screen so I
could see more of the measures at the same time without have to "scroll"
and also that the "stars" would be real staves and notes.
Yes, the screen is bigger, but the "stars" still there

Anyway, my whishlist are changed since then, as my needs and the KN's
features also are changed.
So when the 76 keys, the "normal" compability and prised hardware such
as i.e. the HD is a fact, among with good software to edit from the PC,
a far better vocalizer and a lot of space for flashable optional styles
or pattern packages are availiable, and all my KN5000's stuff can be
transfered easily, also XLR in/outputs for the lines and mic., separate
line outputs for bass and drums regardless to the HD, the Dynamic Accomp
function brought back, usable with the composermode too, and and and...
well, then I guess I'm ready to make the next whishlist.