Hi Steve,
Having owned all of the Technics series, from the KN3000 to the KN6500, I have to say that the KN7000 is undoubtably the best offering yet. I have now spent many hours programming the 7000 and have used it for six gigs, on previous keyboards I had "bugs" show themselves at a very early stage, not so on this new offering, everything, so far, is perfect. There is, without doubt, a marked diference in the quality of sound from the 7000 and this has been remarked on by all of the "regulars" at my resident venue. I don't profess to be as technical as many of my fellow forum members but I have to say that, in my case, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, I am very impressed with my latest aquisition and think that Technics have at last got it right from the word go.. regards... Alan