Y'know, back when I was a struggling "professional," they didn't HAVE Ramen noodles...Banquet pot pies were $0.19, and each had roughly the same salt content as the Dead Sea. Of course, we had to walk barefoot 6 miles through 3 feet of snow to get 'em...uphill both ways...
"Professional" means more than just making money primarily from something, since that "something" generally must be considered a "profession." Most folks wouldn' call someone hired as a street sweeper a professional, even though he's being paid for it. However, he, I'm sure, would use the word! Same goes for musicians, who are generally looked upon as scalawags and ne'er-do-wells (as well they should be!
The moral of the story - call yourself anything you like, but make music. One of the greatest American composers was Charles Ives, who made his living from insurance and wrote music only on weekends (here's a
short biography ).
"The problem with the world is that the ignorant are cock-sure, whereas the intelligent are full of doubt." - Bertrand Russell