#66687 - 03/12/08 09:19 PM
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Scott, It is important we keep the categories of playing live, “no midi files” and using sequences separate. One of the hardest lessons I had to learn is in saving all panel memories instead of three. After many hours of perfecting 10 banks and having them just right I saved three instead of all -- I lost all my work, never did that again. I know this may bring different opinions but using midi files with a Kn7000 or any KN product leaves much to be desired. My opinion is that the KN7000 has been one of the best keyboards if you are playing live. If your are using the keyboard for sequences – it can be done, but it will take a lot of time to get each sequence right and then place it where you can call it up.
Here in south Florida we had a group of seven players who used the Kn7000, they all decided not to use the keyboard for midi files. Why, there are so many other friendly ways to work with midi files. My friend Mike, a sax player downloads the free midi files then recreates them as Technics midi files – and then records them onto a Mimi Disk player. When I find that I want to use a sequence I use my lap top. The Vanbasco program allow me to change the pitch, tempo, volume and cut some of the unwanted channels. It then keeps the changes in memory. Some have added to the lap top to improve the sound, Bernie has a sound improvement and also uses a SD sound module at times – fantastic sound.
There are many pros that use midi players, they are several steps up from the lap top. If I were saving sequences I would save performance each time period.
Why is Yamaha so popular? One of the reasons is that it is very friendly when using midi files. I record a song, put it on my memory stick load the song into the PC and send it out – the keyboard records everything in midi format. When playing a sequence I can mark four places and the keyboard will repeat to those [places – or I can select a section of the song and it will keep repeating it. The midi file players do even more.
I don’t know if I am helping here – The value of the KN7000, in my opinion is live playing. If you do not mind the extensive work to create or edit a free download file then your KN7000 will and can do the job. My friend’s sequences sound so real when he is done with them that the question he gets most often is –Is that a recording? It takes him three to four full days to complete a good midi file/sequence. (In Technics format)
Scott, is any of this helping you? John C.
#66691 - 03/13/08 01:09 PM
Registered: 10/20/05
Posts: 221
Loc: USA
Bob H - It may surprise you, Bob but we are on the same planet and I comprehend your lingo. Cutting to the chase, the only way to safely play live after playing a sequenced song is to load a file that has ALL PANEL MEMORY, SOUND MEMORY, ETC., what I have been trying to avoid having to do – is this to your thinking? The way I have been saving a sequenced song, I don’t have to do this. You are thinking, “Yes, but you have run into a problem.” I ran into this problem by using CUSTOM PANEL for the sounds in RIGHT2 coming up wrongly when sequenced songs are played. It is bad enough that one has to remember to take the INTRO button off and the SEQUENCER button off when playing live. By adding another step of loading from the SD card is a further irritating step, though you and others say it’s easy. It IS easy. The problem is, having to DO IT.
Speaking of the INTRO and SEQUENCER buttons needing turned off, one of the biggest mistakes Technics made was not correcting this through Panel Memory settings. Panel Memory settings should override any previous settings – they do for everything else. We all have experienced the embarrassment (or at least, I have) of starting to play live and have the INTRO and SEQUENCER buttons still on.
Here is a way of playing that you or others might not have considered – I might have a Panel Memory set in Pianist Mode, play and sing 8 bars of a song ad lib, switch to another Panel Memory with a style in tempo, finishing the song. I also might play and sing the 8 bars, press the SEQUENCER button and finish the song.
John C – I do keep separate live performance from sequenced work. I was hoping for a way to not have to load my live settings after I have played a sequenced song. I CAN do this by the way I have been saving a sequenced song. I am being told it is the wrong way to save and dangerous of changes down the line.
I look forward to Audrey’s comments on saving songs to Music Stylist.
ONE FINAL COMMENT – I have never saved or used PERFORMANCE. Since it is not part of the default settings, I just never got around to knowing anything about it. I would appreciate all your thoughts about this as to how it is beneficial.
#66693 - 03/13/08 02:21 PM
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Scott, as long as you are unable or unwilling to comprehend the basic aspects of using your keyboard you will continue to face unexpected things that you feel are totally wrong. It is not a problem of the keyboard. It is a problem with the method you try to use to play the keyboard.
You still seem to believe that the process of saving your Custom Panel had something to do with a change in other panel memories. As I said in an earlier post, that is impossible unless you also did something else, such as resetting one of the other panel memories with the content of the Custom Panel memory. The difference between the two modes that Roger talked about above is that the Panel Memory mode saves what would normally be in the Panel Memory file and the All Panel mode adds to that, the content of what would normally be in the Current Panel file. The results of either mode would be the same for the problem that you described.
If you had pressed the Custom Panel button, you would see whatever you had saved for that button for the voice selection among other things. At that time the light associated with the Custom Panel button would be lit. If that was the case when you thought your panel memories had changed, you may have seen what you thought was the wrong voice selection. BUT, you said that you edited 14 songs. The instant that you began to edit any of the panel memory buttons, the Custom Panel mode would have been cancelled and suddenly you would have seen the correct voicing. I asked above if you had touched any of the panel memory buttons after you selected the Custom Panel button and I did not get a reply. I also asked where you had stored the 14 songs so that I could understand what you felt needed to be fixed. I did not get a reply.
The more that I read your comments the more I become convinced that your basic problem is that you are unable to place any faith in use of the SD card and you think that stuff that is in the keyboard memory is much safer to use and will not change. Nothing could be further from the truth.
In one of my comments above I talked about most everyone I know using a location in SD memory that they used for live play where they just wanted to play whatever came to mind or where they did not have a specific song setup. I said that a memory location that was easy to remember should be used and that I used SD location 01-01 for that purpose. Surely you can remember a single number that you can select for yourself. ONE MORE TIME FOR POSSIBLE PENETRATION: All you have to do is press the yellow SD button, select LOAD, select LOAD BY NUMBER (if it is not already your default), enter your own special number that you selected and remembered and load your keyboard setup. All of this should take less than five seconds unless you are doing an All Custom load. Your keyboard is now set up for live play in precisely the same configuration that you had when you saved your special setup file. This includes your sound file that you seem so concerned about. It also includes a blank sequencer file so that any lingering file in the sequencer is deleted. It doesn’t matter what you did before or what sequence you may have played. Nothing could have been done to your keyboard that isn’t fixed by that one simple load. If you are an experienced performer you know that the first thing you do when you go on stage is to make eye contact with your audience and make some sort of greeting comment or gesture. While you are doing that, you have more than enough time to load your special setup file. You could go on stage with a new KN7000 that you had never seen before and find all your setups already in the keyboard with that one simple load.