#66794 - 03/23/08 03:02 PM
Re: Midi files and Live playing
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I must not have expressed myself well, the topic is not placing a judgement or conditions relating to Midi files and the people who play them -- IT IS ABOUT the long term effect it has on the player. And trying to hold on to the art of playing – And trying to grow, improve in my playing and use of the keyboard.
I listened to Jim H. play a midi files and I angered. It took me a good part of a day to understand my anger. You see Jim H. is one of the best if not the best player we have on this forum. When I first heard him play I had him make a copy of the song he was playing. That song was shared with everyone in my area – it was in my opinion real music. Jim H. has a gift that few posses, he has his arms around the precious gift of music.
I gave away 200 CD karoake disks with 10 to 20 songs on each. Many of the songs had the original background of the song, when I would sing New York, New York I would sing with Frank Sinatra’s orchestra, or a group that copied and captured the feel of the original song. You can not get closer than that.
CD, a Midi file someone created, A file you have edited, A file you have created or the styles on your keyboard, all are acceptable and many times necessary. When they hire you to play/entertain their guests you must do all that you can to bring your performance to the highest level. The audience in most cases knows not nor cares not, they just want the Electric Slide. Done Amen! I once played New York, New York live – Although I played far better than the midi file (MY opinion) it was not accepted. I did not have the feel and I played it at the wrong tempo. Did I do something wrong?
How I use Midi files: 1-As a fill in when I have gone blank. 2-When there is no way I can give the song justice with my keyboard. 3-When my Bible group comes in and we want a touch of Praise or Worship. 4-To study the song if the original recording is not available. 5-For a fun night at my house -- A Karoake night.
My post was not judgement and conditions, it is about the art of playing my keyboard. Maybe I should not go here but --- My Bible says when you put something before the creator it is called idolatry. When I put a Midi file before my ability to play, a precious gift I might add, and it is not necessary or needed I am helping to bury another God given gift.
IMHO, John C.