Originally posted by Chris Housley:
... However i am looking to get another keyboard as a 'Spare' to my kn7000 , also it would be nice to play other makes as well ,,
Not easy to decide what to choose when jump from or add something else to the
Technics keyboards...
I think the way of use should be a very high factor, i.e. do you work a lot
and edit styles etc. at the keyboard, or do you just find a proper style, set
some voices and make registrations and save pan.mem. to recall when needed?
If the way of use are "push and play", and then wish that your "band" sounds
live and warm?
Then the Ketron SD5 will be a great partner, the styles/patterns are very well
made, sounds are very good as well as the keyfeel are real good.
The SD5 also have onboard speakers.
Why I say "push and play", are because of the oprating system. To navigate
around in the Ketron OS are sure quite different from the Technics'.
You need loooonger period of training to be comfortable, at least I do....
Roland E-80 will probably be the closest kb to your KN7000 reagrding easy-to-use.
Also Roland (at least my G-70 does) sound more warm and live now when it is
updated and the styles are being optimised from the factory. (V3).
Korg sounds great, so close to Ketron, that I'm wondering if there are any near
releationship/business between the two.
I.m.o. Yamaha sounds cold, and when push a chord with left hand, it sounds like
I'm starting a studiopolished CD on the stereo.
Myself I'm having fun with a Ketron SD1, and lately I added a Roland G-70.
It's indeed two different keyboards, but I'm exploring, and when just sit down
and play, yeah, it's the SD1's who get most of my attention so far.
But I'm still looking for "the final replacement" for Technics, and my eyes goes
more and more in the directions of Wersi. It sure look interesting. Only too bad
it's no dealer in this country, or maybe it's good, because the price is so high
that if getting caught and I buy, it just has to be "the one and only" ?
But again, as said trillions of times before in several posts at the fora:
It's a very personal choice, it's your heart, ears, needs and not to forget your
bank account who decide what to buy.
Happy Playing
.... (no matter what brand we're playing)
[This message has been edited by Gunnar Jonny (edited 03-30-2008).]