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#66837 - 03/26/08 07:23 PM Re: More on Live Play / etc.
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I respect you and think highly of your work. Your site is one of the best.
My only thought is to bring more life to our forum, I know what it used to be and no longer is. If I have stepped on your toes I apologies. It is only my view on how to bring more interest to the forum. If there are other ideas I am open.

Bill, If I had to throw a dart it would not be at you, you have brought to much to this forum. I have been told to leave things as is, do not steer, let it be -- it has been and will continue to be. They are words but the facts show different. I measure the facts by the activity going in the forum.

If there are those who wish me to back off I will do so. I do not want to hurt this forum. If there are those who want to add to this forum let me know.

Many of my posts are for two reasons:
1-I love helping people.
2-I am trying to give the people on the forum something that will attract their interest in our forum.

I have no other need, John c.

#66838 - 03/26/08 09:22 PM Re: More on Live Play / etc.
Ted Rose Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
This thread has really become most interesting! When I commented on the initial post by Santa1, I had no idea I was opening a virtual "Pandora's Box"! But, nonetheless, I think some very practical and useful comments and suggestions have come about.

I want personally to thank John, Bill Norrie, Colin, for all the specific references, comments and referrals you have provided. In response to Bill's suggestion to me, I returned again to his fabulous web site to read and absorb his very useful tip #22, which I have printed for future reference. In addition, I read again some of the other fine tips on that great site, and recommend to everyone to look at it, if you have not done so at all, or if some time has passed since you checked it out and need a refresher on any of a number of things musical.

I don't know if this thread will continue but perhaps we have again started some interesting dialogue of a musical nature. I just hope we can keep it objective and, as the SynthZone Forum always has been in the past, other meaningful threads will be started again as they once were.

I think we are certainly an interesting and exciting international group of both professional and amateur musicians and non-musicians, but all of whom have in common the interest in our respective keyboards and how to improve our listening and playing. I have garnered and learned a wealth of information from my friends and colleagues both here on the public SZ Forum and in private e-mails over the years. I am encouraged that we will continue to share our thoughts, ideas, suggestions, assistance, and, yes, even occasional gripes (as long as they are relevant to a topic!) and am happy that perhaps I was at least a bit instrumental (if you will excuse the pun) in moving the Forum activity along again.

My best personal regards go out to all of you and I thank you sincerely for taking the time to answer what I sometimes think may sound like naive questions, but they are important links to my musical growth as I learn more each day about the wonders of these magnificent insruments that afford me and you such pleasure to hear and play!

Ted Rose

[This message has been edited by Ted Rose (edited 03-26-2008).]

#66839 - 03/27/08 01:00 AM Re: More on Live Play / etc.
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Ted Rose, You are a gentleman.
John C.

#66840 - 03/27/08 05:53 PM Re: More on Live Play / etc.
etwo4788 Offline

Registered: 08/28/04
Posts: 518
Loc: S.E. New Mexico USA
"More on Live Play"....The title of this thread....

Reading this thread has been somewhat confusing relative to the title... There is talk here about chord progressions, sequencing, midi play and lots of stuff that I do not do, nor do I know a lot about. Non of my live playing has been midi play. So far I have had no interest in "Midi play"... The sequencer is a wonder that I do wish to master so that I can share my interpretation of music with others.....

Chord progressions? I have a vague understanding of what this means and my ear knows when the "proper" chords are engaged in my playing.... at least I know what pleases my ear and those who hear my music..

Whatever the sheet in front of me tells me to play...that is what I play. I do not (yet) play by ear....however, my ear tells me immediately if the sounds I make are "pleasing" or absolutely not....

I like the idea of playing what sounds good to me.... If you like it....fine... If you do not like what I play....fine!

I am not of the school that feels it is necessary to follow some designated specific way to do anything....including playing music. I support individual choices that are pleasing to the individual.

Twice each week I play for an audience of seniors in a nearby community. Some members of my audiences are either retired professional musicians and/or some are still playing professionally. Some share a love of music and have never played. Many could not care less about music. All members of all three of my audiences are very very appreciative of the time and energy and the music I share with them every week. My greatest joy is in the pleasure of sharing.

So "Live Playing", for me has brought more joy than I ever dreamed I would have in my "retirement" years.... To change what I am doing beyond just making changes that please me and my audiences in order to follow someone elses dictates makes little sense to me.

HOWEVER... Bill Norrie, Roger Mepstead, Colin Leaney, Joan Banfield, Audrey Turner and Bob Hendershot, and many other members of this forum have offered wonderful ideas that I have found very helpful in my learning more and more about the awesome Technics KN's and I know that this is the place to ask questions and gain more and more knowledge about playing for others and gaining perspective and skills that are pleasing to everyone who hears my music....

I say thank you to all of you wonderful musical friends for all you contribute to me and to this forum....


#66841 - 03/27/08 07:25 PM Re: More on Live Play / etc.
Bob Hendershot Offline

Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
Elizabeth, you are a very special lady. Maybe someday I'll get a chance to hear you play live.

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