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#67041 - 05/15/08 06:42 PM I have two questions
kitkat Offline

Registered: 05/15/08
Posts: 272
Loc: United States
I have two questions.

Hello, I am new to the forum. My uncle gave me his Kn7000 about a year ago and I must say, it is a very fine instrument. He has since past away but did mention this forum. I have two questions and one is a two-part question. I want to raise the volume of a Drum Roll in Standard Kit 1. This is a higher volume than what is in the keyboard. I have gone into Sound Edit and brought up the Drum Roll sound and raised the volume. In the upper left hand corner, there is WRITE, which I have clicked on. It tells me that it is Completed. My question is, completed where? This is not the typical way of writing a sound that is done in Sound Memory. Saving in Sound Memory, you are required to name the sound. This does not give you this opportunity. Where is the raised volume put when I “Write” this? Going back to using the Drum Roll, I don’t hear an increase in volume. Writing this, is this supposed to increase the volume in the keyboard for that drum sound until it is later changed? In other words, does it become a default, as one would do a Custom Style in the keyboard, which remains in the keyboard until it is changed at some future time? The second part of this question is: How does one use the User Kit? I have not been able to find anything about this particular drum kit. It seems to me that it should be used for special drum sounds to be stored in as is Sound Memory is used for special sounds created. I am familiar with Drum Edit but that seems to only come into play with something that has already been sequenced.

My second question is: How does one write lyrics to show up on the screen of a song that has been sequenced? Does this require the use of the computer? kitkat

#67042 - 05/16/08 05:24 AM Re: I have two questions
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
When you edit a chosen drum kit, using the Sound Editor, and press WRITE, the 'new' sound is placed in the User Kit. You can save this edited Drum sound to a panel Memory and then to SD Card along with other settings. It can also be used within the Composer Memories and even transferred to Custom Memory if you wish. (Custom Style Copy in the Composer Menu)

With regard to your last question, to display lyrics on an existing sequence, you need to produce a series of JPG images of the words, using your PC - probably up to 4 lines of text per image and these images can then be loaded into the Sequencer system, to create a 'Slide Show'. The procedure is outlined on Page 77 of your user manual.It will require some experimentation to achieve the desired result


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#67043 - 05/16/08 07:30 AM Re: I have two questions
kitkat Offline

Registered: 05/15/08
Posts: 272
Loc: United States
Thank you, Bill. If I understand you correctly, the new drum change and in this case, the volume stays in User Kit and is always there at this volume setting unless later changed. Is this correct? I wasn't able to find anything in the manual about how to use the User Kit. How many new drum changes can you store in the User Kit?

Thanks, also for telling me how to put lyrics on the screen requires going into Slide Show. I never made the connection of words being an image as a picture. Since I wasn't interested in putting pictures on the screen, I skipped this part. It now makes sense.


#67044 - 05/17/08 08:15 AM Re: I have two questions
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
You can change as many of the Drum sounds as you wish, within the 'Drum Sound Edit' facility, but you can only have one overall 'User Kit' at a time.
Contrary to what I said in my earlier post, it doesn't seem that the User Kit can be saved to SD Card or Disk. I tried editing some of the sounds and Writing to the User Kit and doing a 'Performance' save to SD Card. I then did a further edit of the User Kit, wrote to the User Kit again and saved to another location on SD Card.
I then loaded from SD Card, the file which contained the Initial edited User Kit, but when I played the User Kit, it still played the Second edit. This would lead me to conclude that the User Kit is not included in the data which is saved to SD Card or Disk, but is only saved in KN7000 memory.

I'm not too sure about the actual data retention time for the User Kit memory, since this is not directly stated in the manual, but it is certainly maintained through a Power Off period of 2 hours. The Manual states that Sound memory is retained 'for about a week' so maybe this also applies to the User Kit - I don't know because it's not a facility I've ever used

If Alec is reading this post, maybe he can provide some more information...................

You are quite right about the lack of information in the Manual, about User kits. Unfortunately, it's not the only item which is either not covered, or not covered adequately in the KN7000 Manual.

However, Alec Pagida has written two excellent Extended Manuals called "How Do I Do That" and 'Getting the Most from your KN7000". The first one was originally written for the KN6000/6500 but the great majority of the content is applicable to the KN7000.
Contact :

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#67045 - 05/17/08 09:14 AM Re: I have two questions
technicsplayer Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/17/02
Posts: 3319
the user kit is saved with sound memory, so a performance save/load will replace any edit with the new information, to test initialise, choose user kit, sound edit, change C1 1st volume to 127, write, performance save 1, change C1 1st volume to 60, write, performance save 2. Initialise again, user drum is at 96, load file 1, user drum is at 127, load file 2, user drum is at 60.

The edit functions are naturally applicable to drum sounds but the basic concepts are just the same as the normal sound edit suite, just missing the pitch over time suite.

[This message has been edited by technicsplayer (edited 05-17-2008).]

#67046 - 05/17/08 06:06 PM Re: I have two questions
kitkat Offline

Registered: 05/15/08
Posts: 272
Loc: United States
Thanks, very much Bill and technicsplayer for your responses. I must say that I am sort of confused when you speak of “performance” and saving this on the SD card. You probably are using this term as saving the new setting to the SD card. Here is my situation so you better understand what I am trying to do. The drum roll limit of 127 isn't quite loud enough for the work I am doing. I want to raise the volume of the drum roll and use this new setting in Fill-ins that I do in Composer when I create Custom Styles. I am hoping that if I write this to the User Kit and use the User Kit in one of my drum tracks in Composer, it will always be there when it goes to Custom Styles. Since this is a tone edit as is done for Sound Memory, will this work? Are you referring to a sequenced song and using the drum track (8) for this drum roll to be inserted? I have never bothered using the drum track in the sequencer because I have always done everything I need in fill-ins in Composer and Custom Styles when I do a sequenced song.

Technicsplayer, you say that the User Kit is saved with Sound Memory, yet there is no showing this in Sound Memory. I do realize that it is the same procedure when saving sounds to Sound Memory, you just don’t name it when you Write. Sorry for not fully understanding how this works.

Bill, you mentioned that the sounds in Sound Memory only stays in the keyboard for about a week. I have never lost my custom sounds in Sound Memory or my Custom Styles. They have always been there when I turn on the keyboard. Of course, I always save my Custom Styles and Sound Memory on the card for back-up in case of any problems. I have never lost them and I guess I am lucky from what the manual states.

It seems that if I use the new settings in User Kit in Composer, save my style in Custom Styles and make sure that the latest changes in Custom Styles are saved on the SD card, this should work. Your thoughts, gentlemen.

#67047 - 05/18/08 04:34 AM Re: I have two questions
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Thanks Alec I was missing out the 'Initialise' Step

Kitkat : The 'Performance' save is just one of the options on Page 2/3, which allows you to quickly select the most common components of a KN7000 set-up, to be included in a saved file. You can see which these components are on Page 2/3 of the Save dialog. However, it is entirely up to you as to which components you decide to save to a File.

Re your question about Sound Memory/Custom memory retention time. They are two entirely different types of Memory : Sound memory is Volatile, although its content is retained for about a week - probably with the aid of a Back-up Capacitor. However, Custom Memory is Non-Volatile since it is implemented in Flash Memory - similar to the ubiquitous USB Memory sticks, so you won't lose anything in Custom Memory, until you deliberately over-write with a new set of Styles. This Non-Volatility also applies to other Memory in the KN7000 : See page 198 of your manual for details.

If you find that the Drum roll setting of 127 is still not loud enough for your purpose, there is another way of making it effectively louder. I would think that what you are finding is that Relative to the other parts within the Style and its Fill-Ins, the Drum Roll is not loud enough. I have encountered a similar problem and got round it by reducing the individual Volume settings of all the other parts of the Style and possibly RT1, RT2 and Left and then increasing the Main Volume. If you keep the Drum Roll level at 127, this has the effect of making the Drum Roll louder, Relative to all the other parts.

If that still does not produce the desired result, then of course you can use the User Kit to implement the increased volume for the Drum Sounds. As Alec has explained, the User Kit is saved within the 'Sound Memory' although it doesn't show directly in the Save Options. The User Kit is not an actual component within Composer or Custom Memory but merely referred to, within these memories. So, your edited User Kit, has to be present in Sound Memory, so that it can be 'called' from Composer or Custom memory.
If no User Kit is loaded from SD Card or Disk, I believe that the User Kit defaults to 'Standard Kit 1'

Unlike Composer Styles, which need a name for identification, There is only One User Kit, so there is no need to name it

[This message has been edited by Bill Norrie (edited 05-18-2008).]

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#67048 - 05/18/08 08:06 AM Re: I have two questions
kitkat Offline

Registered: 05/15/08
Posts: 272
Loc: United States
Thanks, Bill. You have made things so much clearer. I wish the keyboard were set up for Sound Memory to be like Custom Memory. I just assumed that the sounds were always there until you either replaced a sound or added new ones up to 40 sounds. I guess I have always been lucky that they are there without having to load them again. You make a sensible and valid point of dropping the volume on parts and keeping the drum roll at 127 velocity, which will make it sound louder in a style. At one time, I did this and the drum roll was loud enough. My problem now is that I set all settings as high as I can but not to the point that I can not give louder emphasis where needed. My doing this caused the acoustic bass to not be loud enough in a mix, even set at 127. When working in Composer, the bass line is usually in the 80 velocity and goes up to over 100 on high notes. I went into Tone Edit and upped the volume and use it in my composed styles. I do this for a very good reason. It makes my signal out much hotter and goes to studio monitors that each have a total of 500 watts of power. These are small professional monitors, about 10 inches by 12 inches and each weigh about 40 pounds. Each has two amplifiers - one, 375 watts in the bass and another, 125 watts for the highs – incredible clean and pure sound. Listening to them, you would swear that they have at least 15-inch bass speakers in them. They can really rattle your walls and ceiling. I might add, they were very expensive when I bought them. With settings set in my keyboard “hot,” I barely have any volume output from the keyboard. This allows me to hear the keyboard but not to the point of interfering with the mic.

Again, thank you for your replies and for going to the trouble of doing a test on my behalf. I also want to thank technicsplayer.


#67049 - 05/18/08 08:35 AM Re: I have two questions
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Your very welcome Mark

I do a similar thing in Sound Edit for some of the KN7000 instruments - 'up' the volume level and store the 'new' sound in Sound Memory and save it with most of my sequences or set-ups. One sound in particular which just doesn't seem to have enough 'beef' is the JazzOrganSoloist, so I always use an edited version from Sound Memory.

Your Studio Monitors certainly sound as if they have some 'poke' - what make/model are they?

At home,I play my KN7000 through a Stereo Hi-Fi amp and a pair of very old Leak Sandwich speakers, together with an MJ Acoustics Reference 100, 120Watt Sub-Woofer. The combination certainly sounds good to my old ears You can see the set-up on my website.
I don't take this set-up when I play at gigs - too much to carry and since I'm usually with another guy, who sings and plays guitar, I push my KN7000 through his Bose PA system.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#67050 - 05/19/08 08:18 PM Re: I have two questions
kitkat Offline

Registered: 05/15/08
Posts: 272
Loc: United States
Hi Bill,

Went to your site and what a site it is! It looks real good. I really like the colors you used. I must say that you have a very beautiful granddaughter. I also enjoyed reading about you and your accomplishments through the years. It is a site that one can spend a lot of time on. I will be going back to it for some of the downloads. Want to especially hear your music. The studio monitors that I have are the Mackie HR824 models. I believe they are the best ones the company makes or at least, they were when I bought them. I bought them about four years ago. They retailed at the time over sixteen hundred dollars. I think I paid around thirteen hundred. I have to say that they are worth it. I checked the size again and they are 10 inches wide, almost 16 inches high and 12 inches deep and weigh almost 40 pounds each. This is a lot of weight for small speakers. You need nothing else on the job. Bring these and your keyboard and your music will fill a large room. I saw your Leak Sandwich speakers under your keyboard. I am unfamiliar with them. They look nice under there. Do you get a good separation of sound (stereo) with them placed there?

You are so right about some of the organ sounds not coming through loud enough. Speaking of the Jazz Organist Solo, have you noticed that it sounds like the Key Click Organ? I listened carefully and I don't hear any difference. Maybe it sounds differently if you hit the keys harder - unsure. I couldn't hear any difference between Acoustic Bass and Wild Ac Bass until I was told that hitting the keys harder changes the Wild Ac Bass.


#67051 - 05/22/08 03:06 AM Re: I have two questions
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Re the two organ sounds - it's not really surprising that they sound very similar, since they use the same basic sound sample However, if you look at the composition of the two sounds, in the Sound Editor, you will see that besides the dominant sound (Slow Rotor 1), the Key Click Organ has 3 additional components (16', Organ Click and Fast Rotor 2) at lower volume settings. So there is a subtle difference in the two sounds.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

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