Thanks to all who posted, for your kind comments - they are very much appreciated and make the effort worthwhile

Most of the styles took a few days to build - some quite a bit longer

What I normally do is, extract a track from a CD/LP/MP3 and put it on my KN dedicated PC, so that I have easier access to it. I then play it over and over, listening to the arrangement and trying to determine what instruments are playing in the singer's accompaniment and what they are playing and make lots of written notes. Most of these songs - like many western songs - are based on either 8,12 or 16 bar phrases, so the style variations which I build, are generally 8,12 or 16 bars in length. Intros and Endings, can vary considerably in length..........
Some of the parts within the phrases (variations) have Figures or 'Licks' incorporated within them and unless they are treated in a certain way, would be played incorrectly, as the Left hand chords were changed. This applies particularly, to the Bass part, in most of the songs. Luckily, the excellent Composer editor within the KN7000, allows the user to configure a part, or parts, within a style, to play exactly as 'written' when entering the notes in the part, irrespective of any chord changes in the Left hand, during playback. This option can be found in the Composer Editor and the option is called 'Special - Through'. The option can be applied to just a single note or the entire part.
Instead of trying to do everything in the Composer, I could have used multiple tracks in the sequences - for example - I could have left the Bass line blank in the Style and recorded a complete Bass track on say Part 4, using the Real Time Record method. However, this would mean that if anyone wished to use the Style, they would have to use the Sequence, rather than just the Style itself. Having said that, it should be realized that by their very nature, these styles are all very 'Song Specific'.
It is often difficult to decide which instruments or sounds to use, to replace the normal Vocal parts in the original recording. I can sometimes spend days on this part of the sequence, trying different combinations, maybe leaving the sequence for a day or two and coming back to it and trying something else. However, with the KN7000's extensive sound canvas, plus the ability to create/edit 'new' sounds, the choice is virtually endless.
Thanks again for your interest
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley