As I said in the last paragraph above, the way the Physical APC/Sequencer and On-Screen APC volumes interact, depends on whether the Sequencer is selected or not.
The APC (Auto Play Chord) On-Screen control is just as its name suggests - it controls the level of all the parts in the Style ie Bass, ACP1 - ACP5 and drums. In other words, it can be considered as a Master control for all the parts in the Accompaniment Style only. It does NOT affect the other parts such as RT1, RT2, Left or Pads.
When playing without the Sequencer, the Physical APC/Sequencer control and the On-Screen APC control, are 'tied' together and again, each one acts as a Master volume control for all the parts in the Accompaniment Style only.
When using the Sequencer for playback, the two controls act independently - The On-Screen control only affects the parts in the Accompaniment Style, whilst the Physical APC/Sequencer control, affects the entire Sequencer volume level. This control also affects the Sequencer Output level to the LINE OUT sockets. However, as would be expected, it does not affect the Microphone output level to the LINE OUT sockets.
One other thing to note : If you are using a Sequence as a 'backing' but have turned off say RT1 and RT2, on the Sequencer Play screen, so that you can play the melody 'live', then reducing the Physical APC/Sequencer volume will not affect the volume level of the Right Hand voices. This also applies to the Left voice, if that is also turned off in the Sequencer Play screen. This of course is expected, since if these parts are turned off in the Sequencer screen, they are no longer regarded as part of the Sequencer.
As far as a small Microphone Compressor/Limiter is concerned, have a look here :