Glen, I thought I would expand on the SD card storage a bit more. When I download a style from the net, or wherever, it goes on a floppy disk for use in my KN6000, and gets listed in my notebook under whatever catagory or genre it belongs to: country, big band, rock, rhythm & blues, latin, world, and so on. When I load this style into the KN7K I clean it up, add instrumentation I want and get rid of the garbage, so the only thing left is just the one style. I go to memory A and add the style name, what type of keyboard it came from, the tempo, a star rating that tells me how well it suits my purpose, and lastly the location; i.e. Disk J (Jazz)10/02. The style goes into the custom bank until I get 20 lined up for saving to SD, and any notes or corrections are added to the notebook. Once saved, I can call up a bank of 20 styles to the custom bank and choose which one to load load to memory A. Usually I go with the genre first, then the tempo, to narrow my search for the proper style. Sometimes I may have to load a few more folders to find what I want. My database lists each style by number, tempo, manufacturer, style name, rating from 3-6, keyboard type, and disk location. I print this info out for my notebook, and keeping track of thousands of styles turns into a no-brainer. Plus, if I want to check something fast, I simply load the style disk using composer and panel memories. Takes seconds. When I get it narrowed down, I load from the SD card until I find what I want. Since I don't like to copy someone else when I play, I can make the music my own by using a style unique to the song but different from the recording, and having the ability to create your own style, like Bill Norrie, or use one of thousands of styles, gives you the edge needed to accomplist this task. Well worth the extra work in my opinion. Just something to think about........