Hi Elizabeth,
Heres how I use Panel Memories on my Kn7
I use a panel memory bank (in Expand Mode) with a different style set up especially for each song I play.
These are saved on the SD card (just saving 3 main banks, Composer & Sound Memory)
in categories such as Musicals, Slow swing, Country etc.
When you have more than the 20 songs which a folder can hold hold, you can label them,
Slow Swing 1 / Slow swing 2 or Slow Swing A to M / Slow Swing N to Z
I soon became able to remember the position of each song in a folder
(except for those I rarely play) so finding & loading takes very little time.
It's not generally known that the Performance Pads can be set up to move around the panel memories.
As I never use the Performance Pads anyway, I have them always set on "Control Preset".
Just press Bank button / Control Preset - (This is saved in panel memories when in Expand Mode)
This enables you to move up a Bank with Pad 2 - Move down a Bank with Pad 5
Move forward to the next panel memory with Pad 4
Move backward to the preceeding panel memory with Pad 6
Pad 1 Switches Roary to Slow / Fast
Pad 6 operates Glide
It becomes so quick & easy to move around that you'll wonder how you ever managed without
it and you have the advantage of being able to change panel memories with either hand.
As a panel memory bank loads 3 banks anyway (A, B & C), you can set up 3 different songs
or set up a song with 3 different styles to choose from, and easily move around.
If playing a medley with four full variations to each song, you can play 6 songs without stopping.