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#69272 - 10/13/09 12:42 AM Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I have uploaded 13 songs “Something Sr. Bk 1” in a zip folder on Click on the address below to download it should take about 2 minutes.

The group of songs were meant to be easy listening for seniors. I tried to keep the melody simple so they could sing-a-long. All songs were created on my Tyros 3 and recorded – going into my Alessis mixer which recorded them to my Ipod. Then recorded to Mp3 format on my computer.

If you would like the midi file of the songs I might be able to up load them top

To share use:

#69273 - 10/13/09 03:32 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Nice work John I particularly liked 'I only have eyes for you' - lovely Bossa.....

May I make a suggestion ? Assuming that you are making the recordings via an Audio link - rather than direct Digital - how about pluging your guitar into the mixer and playing the melody line along with the backing provided by your Tyros? I enjoyed your guitar playing last time I was in Florida...........
Thanks for sharing John.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#69274 - 10/14/09 02:24 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands

My music (Kn7000, Tyros2 and Tyros3)can be listened at my site:


#69275 - 10/15/09 12:17 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I have added the Midi Files and Lyrics for the songs in SR.Book 1 on address below.
If you have a problem downloading let me know.

John C.

#69276 - 10/15/09 12:46 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Originally posted by Bill Norrie:
Nice work John I particularly liked 'I only have eyes for you' - lovely Bossa.....

May I make a suggestion ? Assuming that you are making the recordings via an Audio link - rather than direct Digital - how about pluging your guitar into the mixer and playing the melody line along with the backing provided by your Tyros? I enjoyed your guitar playing last time I was in Florida...........
Thanks for sharing John.

Thank you for your nice comments and remembering my guitar playing.
I am working on a Big band and a Christian collection of songs, by that time I’ll will have gained enough skill on my keyboard to take the next step.

I started playing keyboard in 1984. I played my guitar into a midi device which allowed me to trigger the chords on the keyboard so that I had full accompaniment for my singing. Kinda a different OMB. Not to long after I began leaving my guitar at home, I had gained enough courage to play only the keyboard. After that period I rarely played my guitar.

I said all of that so that I might tell you this:
I have made a dear friend who is 84 years old, we share a love for the same type of music. This man has played guitar for most of his life and his ability to retain is amazing. He loves memory games and has no need to read the lyrics of the songs we play. On Fridays mornings we share an hour lesson, which takes us about 2 ˝ hours. I have gone back to playing my guitar, I get to share my guitar knowledge with a friend, and if it were not for our wives we could talk and play music for the entire day. I have been blessed with a special friend and returning to my first love, guitar. And Bill, we DO NOT play any form of Rock music, now that’s a touch of heaven.

John C.

#69277 - 10/17/09 02:32 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Actually this thread should have been posted on:


#69278 - 10/17/09 06:49 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
[QUOTE]Originally posted by fmlk:
[B]Actually this thread should have been posted on:

And why would that be?

#69279 - 10/18/09 11:15 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
This post has the correct web site address, sorry
John C.

I have uploaded 13 songs "Something Sr. Bk 1" in a zip folder on Click on the address. The group of songs were meant to be easy listening for seniors. I tried to keep the melody simple so they could sing-a-long. All songs were created on my Tyros 3 and recorded – going into my Alessis mixer which recorded them to my Ipod. Then recorded to Mp3 format on my computer.

John C.

Web address to share Box. net

For Lyrics

For Midi Files

For Mp3

#69280 - 10/19/09 10:16 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands
This forum is the Technics forum:
Forum: Technics Discussion
Topic: Songs recorded on Tyros 3

... and the music you are promoting is recorded on the Tyros3 which is not Technics. The link I gave points to the Yamaha Keyboards forum. That is why I think your message should better be posted on the Yamaha fourm


#69281 - 10/19/09 11:18 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
I believe it is up to John to decide where he wishes to post the availability of his songs. He is a previous owner of several Technics keyboards and has many 'Technics' friends on this particular forum, who would like to listen to his songs, but would not necessarily visit the Yamaha forum.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#69282 - 10/19/09 08:05 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Originally posted by Bill Norrie:
I believe it is up to John to decide where he wishes to post the availability of his songs. He is a previous owner of several Technics keyboards and has many 'Technics' friends on this particular forum, who would like to listen to his songs, but would not necessarily visit the Yamaha forum.

Thank you Bill, My only reason for sharing on this forum is so that some my enjoy my music, at 78 I do not need applauds but I like to be appreciated.

Thank again, John C.

PS,And you are right Bill, I have owned 10 Technecs keyboards over the years. I guess that might qualify my being here.

#69283 - 10/20/09 03:43 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Audrey Turner Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 1098
Loc: Cambridge, Cambs, England
I think you guys are missing the point. I too have been a member of this site almost since it began. It is, after all, designed specifically for Technics instruments, particularly for the newcomers who probably will need all the help they can get bearing in mind they are not able to contact Technics themselves. So let's try and keep it that way.

I also have a Tyros 3, but I wouldn't dream of putting any of my recordings on this site, there are more than enough sites dedicated to the Yamaha instruments, as you probably know already.

However, I do appreciate the pleasure in sharing your work with friends, but why not email it to them direct?

Just my opinion.


#69284 - 10/20/09 05:31 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Since when did the love of music leave this site. I knew the people here to be friendly and had a desire to appreciate music no matter where it came from.

Let me paraphrase your message:
You have been part of this site for many years and have added close to 1500 posts. You have shared your knowledge and your music over the years. You have attended the jams in Florida where they Yamaha Tyros1 and 2 were invited – and where a demonstration was brought in by the members for the Roland80. Scott Yee performed at the jam with his Tyros 2, he was invited to.

With all this that has happened in the past are you telling me Audrey that the rules have changed. And why do you feel so challenged, where is the offense? This forum was started years ago and Bebop had a great deal to do with it, many of us felt he was the forum. Yet when he posted his recent music he had to ask for some appreciation for his work.

Fmlk--Nice done. Compliments. Fmlk posted this when Bebop posted his songs recorded on the Roland G80.

When I posted my songs he wrote: .. and the music you are promoting is recorded on the Tyros3 which is not Technics. The link I gave points to the Yamaha Keyboards forum. That is why I think your message should better be posted on the Yamaha fourm
Is this the same man posting, there seems to be dual values.

I post my music in four forms; 1-Tyros 3 – 2- Midi Files –Mps – and in word. I thought I was offering something that would be appreciated by all no matter what keyboard they owned. If you wish to control music because of it’s origin, where and how it was created what else will you try to control.

If you response speaks for this forum then maybe your idea is a good one, I should take my sharing elsewhere.

John C.

#69285 - 10/20/09 08:28 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
etwo4788 Offline

Registered: 08/28/04
Posts: 518
Loc: S.E. New Mexico USA
JOHN C....ET AL FRED M in particular!!

This is the first time in my experience that the Technics forum reads like the General Arranger Forum!

FRED.... You are out of place with your "shoulds".... That is judgemental and totally unacceptable...

JOHN C.... You post your music, regardless of which instrument you are playing, anywhere you want to post! Let no one "should" on you!

Elizabeth says so!

#69286 - 10/21/09 03:08 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Audrey Turner Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 1098
Loc: Cambridge, Cambs, England
Hello Everyone,

Sorry you don't agree with me, we'll just have to agree to differ.

I just feel that all these years, this has been the best site on the internet, simply because it was 'dedicated' to helping Technics users get the best from their instruments and yes! the songs played on them were, and still are, a pleasure to listen to. It will be a shame if it loses it's 'identity'


#69287 - 10/21/09 08:30 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Sorry to disagree but this forum was the best because of the instrument and the type of people who visited here. If I left for a while I began to miss the polite manner and kind words. When Bebop was heading up this forum and doing his 1 for 20 I felt so good about this place and what he was doing that I sent him a custom made stand with wheels as a thank you to Bebop.

For me, and this is my opinion, the desire to come back and visit this forum is because of the people. And good music is not limited because of the type of keyboard, a good player on a fair keyboard can sound great.

Audrey, if I am a bit strong it is not intended to you, you have your opinion. The sad part is that in order to keep a Technics identity you chase away old friends and limit what is happening in the keyboard world. There are many forums that we can post on but this place has been my home for a long time.

The parent company has chosen to give Technics it’s future keyboards. The amount of daily posts has diminished noticeably. My intent was to bring information that some might want – and on my last posts I brought 13 songs that people could sing-a-long and enjoy. I have made many copies for my friends and piano customers and the response was good so I plan to do a Big Band and a Christian in the same format.

If this work is not wanted here I need to know. If this work is appreciated here I need to know. It looks as if Bebop will not be posting his music here any longer, he had to ask for opinions about his work. If this is what you want let it be known. If you want people to post their music here you must show your appreciation. Please, this is not about me I do not need applause for myself, I am talking about this forum.

The General Arranger Forum has lost many of it’s best contributors starting with Scott Yee who added so much. They choose to keep a small click of members doing their thing for their amusement and keeping everybody else in the background. This is not a bad comment, it’s just a fact. I visit there because at times it is entertaining and there are still some great knowledgeable people who post there. I feel the majority of posters are pros working in their profession. I visit here because of the type of people.

John C.

Sorry, but I need to ask this questions;
1-Why would someone not want to hear what the new keyboards are sounding like, how would that offend?
2-How would that make your Kn keyboard any less desirable?

#69288 - 10/21/09 11:42 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Well said John Please continue to contribute to this forum and I for one will always welcome the opportunity to listen to your recordings, no matter on what keyboard you may play.........


After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#69289 - 10/22/09 01:02 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
RMepstead Offline
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Registered: 06/15/02
Posts: 1662
Loc: Wootton Bassett - Wiltshire - ...
and I might even play some of 'em on me radio programme which is streamed world-wide...
Roger M

#69290 - 10/22/09 02:33 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Bill thank you, and Roger that would be an honor, John C.

#69291 - 10/22/09 06:51 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
tony mads usa Offline
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Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 14376
Loc: East Greenwich RI USA
While this IS a technics forum, and obviously has been an invaluable source of knowledge for technics players (including myself) for years, I do not think that precludes anyone from posting songs recorded on another instrument as John has done: no 'promoting' of another brand of kb, no "this kb sounds so much better", no "this is the kb YOU should buy", as is often seen on the General Arranger Forum ... AND he provided the recording information which was an added bonus ...

John was simply sharing his music with others, which is a BEAUTIFUL idea, and something that I, as a kn6000 player, admit to being remiss at ...

I think we could all be a little more tolerant and accept his efforts, or, if it is your wish to NOT hear music played on another kb, just not open a post that states UP FRONT that the music is recorded on a kb other than technics, ...

John, I for one - and I KNOW I'm not alone in this - appreciate what you have done, and at the age of 68 years, I first hope that I LIVE to 78, and then hope that I would still be playing music to share with others ...

t. cool

#69292 - 10/23/09 10:47 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
pratzert Offline

Registered: 10/22/02
Posts: 49
Loc: Kingsville, Maryland. USA

I appreciate your efforts , talent, and willingness to share.

Best Regards, Tim

#69293 - 11/12/09 02:45 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
fmlk Offline

Registered: 08/21/02
Posts: 275
Loc: Eindhoven, Netherlands

My music (Kn7000, Tyros2 and Tyros3)can be listened at my site:

Regards, Fred


[This message has been edited by fmlk (edited 11-12-2009).]

#69294 - 11/13/09 04:18 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
roger brandon bradbury Offline

Registered: 07/29/03
Posts: 123
Loc: Willersey, Broadway
Bruno, Sir, Thank you for sharing with us your wonderful songs. May I just add that as a KN7000 and Tyros2 live player, you have expanded my knowledge in showing an unconditional positive regard to us all. Thank you. Roger. ( Forest of Dean )
Roger B. Tyros 5 , stage piano, Bose L1

#69295 - 11/13/09 12:13 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
casarosa Offline

Registered: 09/03/06
Posts: 143
Loc: Costa Calida Spain
Thank you Bruno for sharing your music hope I am still playing at 78
Best Regards

#69296 - 11/13/09 03:58 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Roger and Casarosa, Thank you for your impute it is appreciated. Like in many areas time and love just sweetens what we produce. In this case my love and joy for music and not for performance is growing. I play and really enjoy siting and creating, I have been given the opportunity to place my feelings into what I record.

My list in order of my priorities:
1-Love of Music
2-The Keyboard

Thank you once more, John C.

#69297 - 11/14/09 01:32 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
RMepstead Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/15/02
Posts: 1662
Loc: Wootton Bassett - Wiltshire - ...
Don't show the missus that list, John...
Roger M

#69298 - 11/14/09 03:23 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Graham UK Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/20/01
Posts: 1925
Loc: Lincolnshire UK
bruno123. Thank you for the MidiFiles.
Tunes I like I normally transcribe to sheet music chords + melody.

Technics owners can still play these files on their boards.

Well done bruno. Best wishes from the UK

#69299 - 11/14/09 07:13 AM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Don't show the missus that list, John...

It is a bit like you to get me in trouble -- miss you take care.

Graham, Thank you for your words -- and it is my pleasure.

John C.

#69300 - 11/15/09 12:06 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
Bazz Woods Offline

Registered: 09/10/04
Posts: 178
Loc: British Isles
Here we go again good old fashioned debate.
I responded to Scott Yee back in ???? about the very same subject.He was promoting his
new Tyros tracks which I took exception too.
But hey Ive mellowed.It looks to me like its still a Technics Forum.
New technology will always exsist ,view
it and make your own conclusions.

#69301 - 11/15/09 04:22 PM Re: Songs recorded on Tyros 3
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Barry, I have only one purpose in mind and that is to share what I am enjoying. My next project will Big band and I will be using my Kn5000 as well. My post is about music and not keyboards.

I am glad that you have mellowed so have I, it’s a good place to be.

John C.

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