"8 insert-effects!"
That's nothing to crow about, the Roland XV 5050 and 5080, have 90 insert effects. (and more system wide effects.)
Yamaha needs to come into the 21st century with the rest of us.
The fact that you cannot edit the sounds,(other than the effects) or create your own patches, puts the MOTIF RACK way behind technology of the Roland 5050 and 5080.
Well you don't need a patch librarian or patch edit software for it, that's for sure!
And they have the *nerve* to ask $200 MORE than the XV-5050?
I suppose the higher polyphony may be more important to some users than the effects, but
For those really needing 128 polyphony there is of course the Roland 5080 which of course is more expensive.
Unless you are running more than 16 channels on one module/keyboard then 64 polyphony is plenty, even for the 4-tone patches (in fact, exactly enough as long as you don't layer notes inside each channel.) So personally I can't see the need for 128-note polyphony.
All in all the MOTIF comes in a distant second -- but I'm still glad I have both yamaha and roland sound sets as I think they really compliment each other.
However as I said in my other post, if I had to pick ONE and only ONE it would be the Roland. (I'd miss the great Yammy sax and trumpets, though.)
I'm sure with the XV editor and some time I could come up with a pretty good facsimilie of the yamaha saxes & trumpets. Simply re-combiging the available PCM samples in the Roland modules should do it.
Cathy T