Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I need a second lightweight keyboard possibly a Yamaha S910.
I thought I had retired from playing jobs but it seams I still have s desire to perform. I have been offered a list of playing engagements that will last from one to two hours at different assisted living places. The jobs, or shows as they call them will require talking and singing. This is new for me, in the past it was just dance music.
For my condo work and at home I will be using my Kn7000, but for the one and two hours jobs I need a lighter keyboard.
Frank Bez
Registered: 12/11/99
Posts: 260
Loc: Avila Beach, CA, U.S.A.
Hi John, I have a s910 and use it much the way you are thinking about. It's a powerful instrument in a nice light package. I use it in a 100x200 foot club house with just the keyboard speakers. The styles are very good and there hundreds more that are free on the internet. Setting up pre-sets is not quite as easy as the KN7000 and some of the voices don't come close to the 7K. That is, they don't sound like the real instrument, but it is possible to edit the voices and improve them. Check it out and see if you like it. Frank
It is true, the S910 weighs only 11 kg while the KN 7000 weighs 17.6. But the KN 7000 has 66 Watt speaker output, the S 910, only 24 watts. Up to 40 people you do not need the KN 7000 amplifier. The microphone you can at KN 7000 "LINE IN or AUX IN " and have enough power. The S910 will need an amplifier and speakers.
[This message has been edited by HarryG (edited 12-20-2010).]
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Harry, thank for your impute it is always welcome. Six weeks ago we played for 14 residence. (We = myself and a singing sax player) Last week there was a bit over 50. This coming week they are moving us to the main auditorium.
I am using a Bose Compact and it sounds good. When we first started I did use my Kn7000 and it cover the room very well.
We started playing music from the 20’s 30’s and 40’s and now much to my surprise ¾ of the music we play is upbeat 20’s 30’s and 40’s, rock, and disco.
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Audrey, Good advice, I have always been into buy and sell and trade ending with the best, but not for long – I even owned a Wersi Delta 500 organ and a Wersi keyboard but no more. The Kn7000 is going to stay it’s for me to enjoy.
I wonder what it would take a group of electronic engineers to add (not change) some of the up-to-date features to a Kn7000. Expensive, but there would be many that might make a commitment to buy the finished product.
Registered: 08/28/04
Posts: 518
Loc: S.E. New Mexico USA
JOHN.... Interesting "dream"! Tell me which "...up to date features..." would you add to the mighty 7K? Sometimes dreams do come true!
Audrey is offering really sound advice...Do not let go of your 7K! Are you, Audrey, enjoying your Tyro's? How does it compare to the 7K...that you still have??? Elizabeth
Originally posted by bruno123: I need a second lightweight keyboard possibly a Yamaha S910.
I thought I had retired from playing jobs but it seams I still have s desire to perform. I have been offered a list of playing engagements that will last from one to two hours at different assisted living places. The jobs, or shows as they call them will require talking and singing. This is new for me, in the past it was just dance music.
For my condo work and at home I will be using my Kn7000, but for the one and two hours jobs I need a lighter keyboard.
John C.
John Why not try the KN2600, I find it is avery good keyboard good sounds similar to the KN7000 and you can play the KN7000 set ups on it. Also the output sound is great even with the enclosed speakers.The weight is 11.4 kg (25.1lbs) Give it a try. Derek