First off, this is my first post and i bid you all with a
sincere "hello!"
I am currently in the market for a workstation that includes a
sampler. I have looked at the Triton LE and so far that is the unit
i dig the most. Others i have thought about were: a Kurzweil K2vxs which was a lot of fun, Yamaha EX7,
General Music Equinox and Emu Esynth. The
price range for which the Triton LE is on is very attainable for me,
but am wondering if anyone can suggest something else. Not that i
don't doubt the Triton, it's just i would like as many viable options
as possible.
The sounds i look for most are excellant strings (violin, etc...),
pipe organs, woodwinds and of course piano, as i primarily play dark
metal with classical flares. I currently am using a Korg N364 (which
i love) and an Alesis QS6 (which i hate).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!